The increased demand to attract new companies for new services and applications in the UK requires a broader outreach and a regional presence of Ambassador Platforms in all areas of the UK. The efforts of those Ambassadors shall be coordinated to maximise impact and reach.
Therefore, the UK Ambassador Platform (AP) is looking for a UK AP Business Developer (UK AP BD) to support and coordinate access to the ESA Business Applications funding opportunities, in order to create long-term sustainability of new space-enabled businesses, services and applications.
Reporting to the Ambassador Platform Network Coordinator (UK APN-C), the UK AP BD will review business cases, organise coaching sessions for potential bidders, search and evaluate new opportunities and carry out detailed business analysis on current and emerging sectors/markets which would benefit from using space data.
Key Tasks
- Review business cases and outline proposals
- Evaluate and feedback on ideas received for ESA Business Applications
- Feedback to organisations/businesses submitting business cases
- Make recommendations to UK APN-C and UK Regional Ambassador Platforms (open tender) for proposals received
- Identify opportunities for space-enabled businesses cases
- Coaching and mentoring
- Support bidders in preparing ideas for ESA Business Applications
- Organise workshop events focusing on business coaching/mentoring
- Market Analysis
- Provide market analysis information to the UK APN-C by identifying promising market segments the UK RAPs should be engaging with
The Invitation to Tender is limited to companies or organisations residing in the UK.
The UK AP BD is a full time role coordinated via the UK APN-C.
ESA has earmarked €150,000 for this activity.
More information and the official tender documents can be downloaded from EMITS (reference AO9110) after registering as a potential bidder on esa-star.