Austria |
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft Senssengasse 1, 1090 Vienna Contact: Luc Berset ( Ph: +43 57 7553308, Fax: +43 57 7553308
Belgium |
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) Contact: Corneel Bogaert ( |
Czech Republic |
Navigation & Telecommunication Space Technologies and Applications Unit ITS, Space Activities and R&D Department Ministry of Transport Czech Republic Nabrezi Ludvika Svobody 12 - P.O.BOX 9 |
Denmark |
The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education Contact: Sebastian Lund-Kirkeby ( Alexandra Martinussen Vikner ( ) |
Estonia |
Estonian Business and Innovation Agency Contact: Madis Vooras ( Ph: +372 627 97 95
Finland |
Contact: Jarmo Leivo Business Finland Antti Tyrväinen |
France |
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Thomas Jues Direction de la stratégie/ innovation & Connect 2 Pl. Maurice Quentin, 75001 Paris Contact: Thomas Jules ( Ph: +33 (0)6 26 09 56 84
Germany |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft– und Raumfahrt e.V. Koeningswinterer Str. 522-524 PO Box 30 03 64 D-53183 Bonn Anke Freimuth ( Ph: +49 228 447 300, Fax: +49 228 447 743 |
Greece |
Ministry of Digital Governance Secretariat General of Telecommunications and Post Directorate General of Telecommunications and Post Head of Directorate of Wireless Communications, 5G Networks and Space 11, str. Fragoudi & Al. Pantou Kallithea 101-63, Greece Dimitrios Christopoulos ( Contact: Iosif Papadakis ( |
Hungary |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department for Space Activities 1027 Budapest, Medve utca 25-29 David Horvath ( Ph: +36 1 4583452 |
Ireland |
Enterprise Ireland, Company R&D The Plaza, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3 Barry Jennings ( |
Italy |
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italian Space Agency (ASI) Contacts: |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg Space Agency 19-21 boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg Contact: Gaelle Jimenez ( Phone: (+352) 247-74149 |
The Netherlands |
Netherlands Space Office (NSO) Centre Court, Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL The Hague Contact: Kathelijne Beenen ( |
Norway |
Norsk Romsenter, Norwegian Space Agency (NoSA) Drammensveien 165 P.O. Box 113, Skoyen N-0212 Oslo Rune Sandbakken ( Ph: +47 97 98 51 22 |
Poland |
• The Chancellery of the Prime Minister |
Portugal |
ANACOM - GAC-Space Mission Unit Av. José Mahoa, 12, 1099-017, Lisboa Contact: Fernando Guerra ( Ph: +351 917212722 |
Romania |
ROSA - Romanian Space Agency 21-25 Mendeleev str., RO-010362 Bucharest Contact: Stefan Ciurel ( Ph: (+40) 722 409 029 |
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación CDTI - C/Cid, n°4 E-28001, Madrid Contact: Javier Cañizares Garamendi ( |
Sweden |
Rymdstyrelsen - Swedish National Space Board (SNSB)
P.O. Box 4006 Contact: Christian Hånberg |
Switzerland |
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER Einsteinstrasse 2 Contact: Aurélie Pezous ( |
United Kingdom |
UK Space Agency, Quad Two, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Contact: Dr Shuxiu Zhang, Head of Space Applications and Data ( |