Instructions on how to submit the Activity Pitch Questionnaire (APQ)
The APQ submission form is hosted in the website.
If you are new to the website, you will need first to create an account with a valid email address.
If you already have an account in this website, you can login into the website and proceed with the submission using the Channel APQ for ARTES Downstream Business Applications, and follow these instructions:
Click on the button “Submit Your Idea”.
Copy the short name from “AP.1.1 Idea name” into the “Title” field (e.g. EOSPoMo)
Upload a picture with the company logo into the “Picture” field (optional)
Copy the full name from “AP.1.1 Idea name” into the “Abstract” field (e.g. Earth Observation Satellite data for Potato crops Monitoring)
Insert the company name, country, contact name, and contact email in the respective fields
Select the appropriate Call or Thematic Call. If you are applying to the Open Call, then the default value is already chosen and you do not have to change it. For the list of the other opportunities including the Thematic Calls, please consult
Confirm that you are using the latest APQ template.
Please note that the use of older templates will result in the rejection of the APQ submission -
Confirm that you agree with the privacy policy.
Upload the APQ
Tags are not used in this Channel
Click on the “Submit Idea”
In case of issues submitting the APQ, please send an email to, and with the subject “APQ submission issues”.