ESA title

IAP reloaded

ESA's Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) programme has been patched and rebooted. If you are currently involved in an IAP activity or are considering taking part in the programme, here is a brief summary of what you need to know.

ONE or MORE space assets

The requirement that IAP projects incorporate two space assets, together with ground assets, has been abandoned. Henceforth, one or more space assets can be used, whether Satellite Communications, Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation, Human Space Flight Technologies or any other. This change will result in a broader range of downstream applications supported by IAP.

Kickstart your SME

In another change, the IAP programme has announced a new opportunity called Kickstart Activity, which is designed to explore new service and application concepts and to reach out to new players. Kickstart Activities can be proposed in response to thematic calls initiated by ESA and will be funded at 75%, providing up to €60,000. The Kickstart Activity is designed to make it easier for SMEs to take advantage of space technology.

Leadership for Commercial MARKET ApPlications

A third change is the ESA-wide agreement that IAP takes leadership for the development of businesses that use space assets and aim for commercialisation in the short-term. This reflects the IAP programme’s uniqueness within ESA, as it attaches importance to both technical and business support.

These changes to the IAP programme are part of our on-going efforts to enable and support businesses in the short-term commercialisation and application of space data for services and products, thereby improving the everyday lives of people around the globe.













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