Objectives of the service
PandionAI has the mission to Secure the Need for Timely Information and address global challenges by harnessing the power of space-based solutions and cutting-edge AI technology. Our key contribution lies in providing timely information where and when it matters most. While vast amounts of EO satellite data are being generated, the real value lies in acting upon this information before its relevance fades away. By utilizing AI close to the imaging sensor and the maturity of space-based processing hardware technology, we can process and deliver critical information directly to our customers when there is still time to act upon underlying current events and emergencies. By using this concept, we adhere to and contribute to the interesting technological development in Europe regarding edge-computing on-orbit.
Figure: Overview of AlertSat’s functionality and unique service.

For the customers of AlertSat, the true value of information lies in its relevance, timeliness, and accessibility. When there still is time to act upon the information delivered it becomes most valuable. Moreover, the reliability and accuracy of the information are also crucial factors in determining its usefulness. This becomes even more important when using automatic information-generating systems that leverage AI technology.
The AlertSat services and the AlertSat Portal have been designed to these general requirements that from the user’s point of view can be seen as a higher degree of user control. Granting the users a degree of control of the information has also been reported to give added value to the customers, as well as increase the scalability of AlertSat operations. The motivation is to enable a tailored experience for the users, and their respective use cases, according to their specific requirements and needs. Meaning they can access near real-time information, customize Alerts, and leverage satellite data in ways that add value. This level of control also fosters a stronger partnership with our users, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty. AlertSat Portal will offer this control.
Users and their needs
The common denominator for AlertSat’s customers and users is their demand for rapid location-based information on the terrain when sudden events affect valuable resources or personnel. The typical user scenarios PandionAI is focusing on with the AlertSat services therefore can be stated as follows:
Monitoring of large areas with land and sea-based assets, and responsible for managing important activities or critical events.
Continued surveillance and control of remote, hard-to-reach, or inaccessible local areas and facilities.
Support for operative decision-making by assessment of changes and follow-up for further actions and planning.
In other words, our customers are typically responsible for managing high-value assets in vast or remote areas and need support for their decision-making, especially during fast events and crises where acting resolutely can make a large difference. These requirements are common within the following government operations and businesses: Emergency and Security, Infrastructures, Mining and Gravel, Energy production, Industrial plant logistics, Transportation systems, Forestry, Environmental Control, Insurance Industry, and Business Intelligence.
The customer problems that AlertSat Portal alleviates and can solve are the lack of relevant information, information overflow, disruptive disinformation, long response time, and costly internal information handling. The AlertSat Portal is from the beginning designed to mitigate customer difficulties by facilitating operational activities and strengthening the capacity of the users. Thus, deliver the relevant information to solve their problem, when they need it, and in a format that they can use. In addition, a unique feature of services that is not available by our competitors is the end user's control of how the satellite constellation is to be used to give optimal information for the customer's operations.
Service/ system concept
The AlertSat system is an Earth Observation satellite constellation fully designed by PandionAI. The unique concept of on-orbit autonomous image change detection, together with the immediate delivery of reliable information, gives the end-user a tool to act efficiently in various acute emergencies.
Within the framework of the BASS program, we develop our original concept by designing how customers will use AlertSat to enhance their handling and evaluation of their Alerts. The AlertSat Portal will give the customers the capacity to smoothly place orders for tasking and to rapidly receive and aggregate the asked information. Moreover, the customers will also be able to analyze the information received. This will increase both the value of our service and at the same time tie the customer closer to PandionAI.

Space Added Value
The AlertSat services are based on the wholly owned and fully controlled AlertSat satellite system. The AlertSat concept consists of a constellation of interacting smaller optical Earth Observation satellites, where an on-orbit image change detection interpretation and fast delivery of crucial information is the main customer value. The development of the AlertSat services includes the entire information chain and all space assets needed to produce the services.
Earth Observation satellites in general are perfect tools for environmental monitoring and emergency evaluation. The coverage from satellites is a global information source that detects critical details in the terrain, and satellite systems are on constant alert for monitoring 24/7. However, the value of information, especially in emergencies, depends on how fast it can be delivered and how unusual it is. Obtaining access to information at an early stage means having unique knowledge, that has a high value, and can at best prevent disasters. The concept of AlertSat is focused on this specific added value and bypasses existing EO satellite systems by a disruptive service value chain.
Current Status

Developing a satellite system is a demanding task that involves a wide range of experts and activities.
Developing a cutting-edge satellite system is an intricate and multi-faceted endeavor, involving a diverse team of experts and a wide spectrum of activities. At PandionAI, we've honed our focus, and consequently, our intellectual property, on the software within AlertSat, where it delivers the most substantial advantages for our valued customers. Specifically, this revolves around the on-orbit AI interpretation of image data and optimizing the constellation's performance, with the pivotal gateway being our customer-oriented AlertSat Portal.
To achieve this ambitious vision, we are actively seeking out visionary and innovative partners at an early stage who can bolster other crucial aspects of the satellite system. One key component of PandionAI's strategic growth plan is the early market debut of the AlertSat Portal, along with the diverse range of services we're crafting for numerous applications. Our strategy for this rollout is informed by the invaluable experience gained during the Feasibility Study and the close connections we've fostered with our customers and users.
PandionAI sets itself apart through our unwavering commitment to swift data delivery via our Alerts, underpinned by remarkable flexibility and adaptability to meet the unique needs of our clientele. We are unwavering in our pursuit of excellence in all these dimensions.
Our vision for AlertSat transcends the immediate horizon, positioning PandionAI as a disruptive force within the European Earth Observation industry and a pivotal player in the global space economy. The AlertSat mission, rooted in the seamless integration of AI and space technology, is poised to deliver value, innovation, and trust within an ever-evolving and dynamic space-oriented landscape. In pursuit of these lofty goals, PandionAI is determined to launch the AlertSat Portal, heralding a new era of space infrastructure capable of delivering truly timely information while dramatically reducing the frustrating delays that currently plague the industry.
This undertaking signifies a pivotal stride forward in PandionAI's overarching mission to satisfy the need for timely, reliable information among our discerning customers.
The Feasibility Study has been concluded with a successful Final Review.