ESA title


  • ACTIVITYDemonstration Project
  • STATUSOngoing
  • THEMATIC AREAFood & Agriculture

Objectives of the service

BeeSentry addresses the critical issue of Varroa mite infestations threatening bee colonies. The service integrates IoT sensors, satellite imagery, and AI to provide real-time hive health data and alerts for early Varroa detection. By offering continuous monitoring and predictive insights, BeeSentry helps beekeepers reduce chemical use and protect their bees. The project's objective is to create a comprehensive monitoring system to support sustainable beekeeping and improve honey quality through non-chemical Varroa control.

Users and their needs

User Communities Targeted:

  • Individual Beekeepers (Poland, EU)

    • Needs:

      • Efficient hive monitoring and maintenance

      • Early detection of Varroa mite infestations

      • Reduced reliance on chemical treatments

      • Improved honey quality and yield

    • Challenges:

      • Manual inspections are time-consuming and stressful for bees

      • High costs of chemical treatments

      • Lack of real-time data on hive health

  • Hive Manufacturers (Poland, EU)

    • Needs:

      • Integration of advanced monitoring solutions in hives

      • Affordable and user-friendly products

      • Innovation to attract and retain customers

    • Challenges:

      • High costs and complexity of existing monitoring tools

      • Market demand for reliable and efficient solutions

  • Manufacturers and Distributors of Bee Medicines and Supplements (Poland, EU)

    • Needs:

      • Effective advertising channels to reach beekeepers

      • Promotion of products through relevant platforms

    • Challenges:

      • Difficulty in reaching individual beekeepers not affiliated with organizations

Countries Targeted:

  • Poland

  • European Union (EU)

Service/ system concept

BeeSentry provides beekeepers with a comprehensive Varroa mite monitoring and warning system. The system delivers real-time hive health data, Varroa mite detection alerts, and predictions about the spread of Varroa mites. It features IoT sensors for monitoring environmental parameters, satellite imagery for tracking vegetation phenological phases (flowering), and AI algorithms for analyzing data.

System Functionality:

  • Hive Status: Real-time data on temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, and more.

  • Varroa Mite Detection: Alerts about potential infestations.

  • Varroa Mite Spread Prediction: Insights on the spread of mites.

  • Treatment Recommendations: Non-chemical treatment suggestions via a dashboard.

How the System Works:

  1. Data Collection: IoT sensors in hives collect environmental data.

  2. Data Transmission: A field gateway sends this data to the cloud.

  3. Data Processing: The data is processed and analyzed by AI algorithms.

  4. User Interface: Beekeepers access insights and alerts through a web dashboard.

System Architecture:

  • IoT Sensors: Monitor hive conditions.

  • Satellite Imagery: Provides environmental context.

  • AI Analytics: Detects and predicts Varroa mite infestations.

  • User Dashboard: Displays real-time data and alerts.

Space Added Value

Describe in less than 200 words which space assets are used, the expected added value of using and/or combining space assets to achieve the goals as opposed to using current methods from potential existing competitors.

Space Assets Used:

  • Sentinel-1 Radar Imagery: Identifies crop types and growth stages, unaffected by weather conditions.

  • Sentinel-2 Optical Imagery: Monitors phenological phases like flowering of honey plants. Used in tandem with radar data for enhanced performance.

  • GPS Units with Galileo Data: Used for geolocation, tracking mobile apiaries, and mapping Varroa mite spread.

Added Value of Using Space Assets:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Combining radar and optical imagery from Sentinel satellites provides detailed and weather-independent environmental data, crucial for accurate forage estimation and Varroa mite spread predictions.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: GPS-enabled geolocation helps track apiary movements and localize mite infestations, facilitating rapid response.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: AI processes integrate diverse data sources (IoT sensors, satellite imagery) to deliver predictive insights, enhancing decision-making for beekeepers.

Advantages Over Existing Methods:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Replaces labour-intensive manual inspections with automated, 24/7 surveillance.

  • Predictive Capabilities: Predicts Varroa mite spread, enabling proactive measures rather than reactive treatments.

  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces reliance on chemical treatments, saving costs and improving honey quality.

Current Status

As of April 2024, Apisense has achieved significant milestones in the BeeSentry project, defining 47 user requirements and mapping them to 60 system requirements. These are currently under review. The team is also developing test scenarios for the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and On-Site Acceptance Test (SAT). Work on the system architecture documentation and business plan is underway, with completion expected by the end of May. The development team has initiated work based on the reviewed requirements, and the test team has started software/hardware verification. Next month, the focus will be on finalizing the Requirements Document and System Verification Document, and continuing the Business Plan and System Architecture work.

Prime Contractor(s)

Status Date

Updated: 19 June 2024