Objectives of the service

The City DT4DT service is a dynamic mapping service developed for urban utilities and municipalities. It is based on an online interactive Geospatial DataBase (GeoDB) including 3D digital models of the city landscape and a set of rich and frequently updated information layers. The service database is moreover complemented by three space-based monitoring modules combined with predictive models to compute predictive analysis within the urban context.
The City DT4DT service is going to support a variety of use cases in different market sectors:
Utilities and public lighting system operators, to manage their infrastructures and implement predictive actions to secure their asset from the impact of external factors;
Municipalities, to adopt agile practices in their land management preventive/remedy actions;
IT companies, to easily access updated and innovative geospatial information content to be embedded in their service offering.
Users and their needs
The service has been developed with the involvement of three of the most important Italian utilities and municipalities. In particular, in order to fulfill their operational needs, cost reduction and growth expectations, such actors are looking for smart and automated solutions to monitor and manage their assets. This is particularly important in urban environments, where different networks are inter-connected, exchanging their resources and delivering the services to the final customers. This means that the assets should not only be effective and capable of responding to the customer needs but they also should be efficient during their daily operations and inter-processes.
Service/ system concept
To respond to the reference user needs, the City DT4DT service includes a GeoDB that provides an online interactive access to a variety of geo-spatial information layers, with 3D effective visualization, smart I/F for non-expert users, online analytics and advanced functionalities.
Service module A provides a tree interference map (including tree growth and health data) to support the urban tree management. Moreover, the module produces a fault predictive map on the utility network by analyzing a multiplicity of exogenous phenomena (e.g. wind, rain).
Service module B produces a pluvial flood risk map suitable to identify sites intrinsically prone to pluvial flooding. It also delivers timely alerts (real case predictive simulations) to the electricity network operators for improving their system and for field force preparedness to counter emergency situations.
Service module C provides alerts on urban transformation for inspections and possible remedy actions. Probability map of areas with potential future illegal waste dump activity is also delivered. An inspection app is made available to the user for their on-site activities.
The City DT4DT system architecture is organized in four main blocks that are connected to implement the end-2-end provision of the services, from data access to results visualization. The modules are built on a dedicated framework which combines artificial intelligence algorithms, several software components based on open-source tools and consolidated COTS tools, to ensure a high level of readiness and minimize technical risks.
Space Added Value
The involved space component includes:
Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 products
Meteo-climate variables from EUMETSAT H-SAF and Copernicus Climate Change Services
Stereo products at multiple resolution from VHR satellite data
The adoption of such heterogeneous space products increases the value of the solution and its unicity with respect to other possible competitors.
Current Status
The feasibility study of the City DT4DT service has been completed, including the mock-up development for the three additional service modules. Each service module result was presented to the interested reference user and achieved a positive feedback. Future developments are currently under discussion to deliver an operational version of the service to the customers.