ESA title

eHSA Regulatory

  • ACTIVITYFeasibility Study
  • STATUSCompleted

Objectives of the service

Partnering with Africa to help strengthen health service delivery is a key driver of this project.
The goal of the eHSA programme is to develop pan-African eHealth services enabled by satellite to benefit the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region. These services focus on providing various types of eHealth services to benefit citizens and health workers.
The regulatory study is the second in a series of four horizontal studies that are part of the eHSA programme. It will examine the regulatory framework needed to provide eHealth services and provide a comprehensive review of the SSA situation affecting eHealth. The study will identify specific actions needed to develop a regulatory framework that supports eHealth and develop roadmaps to guide countries and partners through to implementation.

Users and their needs

These are the AUC, RECs, and in each SSA country, governments, ministries, aid organisations, all types of healthcare providers, citizens, patients and community representatives, and suppliers of eHealth affected by eHealth regulation. Healthcare providers include state, non-governmental organisations, faith-based organisations, and private providers.

Current Status

The Study is going to organise two workshops with relevant stakeholders in Botswana (March) and Ghana (April). These workshops are expected to contribute significantly to the outcomes of the study as well as to raise awareness in the user community.

Status Date

Updated: 20 February 2013