Objectives of the service
In the project, forest services based on satellite monitoring that use self-learning artificial intelligence have been developed. Up-to-date information on the current state of forests, their risks, management needs and changes are derived by combining satellite data with other data sets relating to forestlands. The services include automatic notifications on AI detections and possibility to add mobile observations and send feedback on the data quality, which are used for improving the AI models automatically. The results of the AI services are easily accessible via easy-to-use user interfaces.
Users and their needs
Forest owner associations and their customers (forest owners). The pilot participants in the project are MHYP (head organization of Forest owner associations in Finland) and forest owner associations Olpe and Kempten from Germany. The main user needs include:
forest experts and forest owners need up-to-date data on forest status, damages and risks, and management needs
forest experts being able to focus on most relevant / topical management needs
tools for communicating between forest experts and forest owners
Service/ system concept
Self-learning AI engine combines:
Satellite data
User data
Various GIS data sources
AI models provide accurate & up-to-date data on:
Forest attributes
Detected changes and damages
Forest vitality and areas with increased health risks
Urgent forest management needs
Users can access the AI results:
By checking them on the map
By receiving automatic notifications/messages
Self-learning AI engine learns continuously based on users’:
Feedback on correctness of AI detections
Feedback on quality of map layers
New mobile observations added to map
Space Added Value
Sentinel 1 (SAR) and Sentinel 2 (optic) satellite data are used in change detection service for providing estimates on current forest status, cuttings, damages and damage risks using AI models with various training data sets. A self-learning AI engine has been created, which continuously updates the AI models based on user feedback and mobile observations.
Current Status
The Final Review has been successfully performed in May 2022. The Project has been completed and the implemented services are already used operationally and commercially covering the whole of Finland and parts of Germany.