Objectives of the service
Every year, on the site of the battle of Grunwald, there is a staging of the historical event where visitors can experience the achievements and distribution of the troops. Tourists visiting the place of the battle outside the anniversary celebration will be able to replicate a similar experience with the GSOT application in their smartphones. This solution will make use of augmented reality, which is particularly useful in such a vast site. GSOT will help visitors to plan their sightseeing with selected observation points from which they have the chance to move back in time and experience the historical event of Grunwald in 1410. GSOT is expected to increase the attractiveness of the site outside the yearly celebrations and, at the same time, support museum managers to plan and monitor tourist traffic, increasing the safety of visitors on site.
The GSOT system can be adapted so that it can be scaled to other museums and enable the visualization of different type of events.
Users and their needs
TOURISTS visiting popular places want to:
- get as much information as possible about the area in a short time
- explore and depict the historical events in today’s space.
One of the most popular ways of transferring information/knowledge is a picture (map, animation). The proposed project solution will make use of augmented reality allowing tourists to see the events from the past while sightseeing.
The second group of interest is composed by the MUSEUM MANAGERS that nowadays can see the number of visiting people in certain sections using only a camera system. The GSOT solution allows online monitoring of the museum area. This can provide comfort and high safety level for guests.
GSOT is mainly related to Polish historical sites, although the system can be adapted to other sites throughout Europe.
The application is available in Polish, English and German.
Service/ system concept
The proposed solution is based on the combination of virtual reality with the real world of the visitor. GSOT will present historical information that is currently not possible to be displayed on site. Using 3D models of knights and objects from the battle, visitors can have an interactive experience that combines both text and audio descriptions. The visitor, equipped with a mobile device with a GNSS chipset, will be able to display detailed information about the events taking place during the Battle of Grunwald.
Space Added Value
The use of GNSS will allow the positioning of visitors on site and the pinpoint of selected points of interest in the field.
Current Status
The project has completed the pilot and is prepared for the commercialisation phase. The mobile application is available in the Google Play shop (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.GSOTEn.SBI.GSOT&gl=PL) and comes in a DEMO version and a paid full version.
On 15 July 2021, we presented the GSOT application during the commemoration of the anniversary at Grunwald. Visitors to the museum were able to install the app and familiarise themselves with the functionality.
In order to manage access to the functions of the GSOT application, a website is maintained (http://gsot.pl/en/index.html). Access for individual users is by prior registration.