Objectives of the service
The main objective of the INTOGENER project is to enable the implementation of a water flow monitoring and prediction service supported by satellite-based technologies. INTOGENER is an ambitious initiative that uses space assets in different ways (observation, signal source of opportunity and data link). The activity starts with a feasibility phase that includes the identification of user needs, an analysis of the state of the art technologies, and from the output of these two tasks the definition of the service specifications and architecture. This feasibility study will also include the development of a prototype set-up as a proof-of-concept using a reduced set of EO data, in-situ instruments and a simplified model. This feasibility study shall demonstrate that the rationale of INTOGENER i.e. using an integrated system based on space assets, will bring added value in comparison to other solutions for water flow prediction for hydro power production and water management. This feasibility study will also asses the economic and non-economic viability of such a service in the long term and prepare a roadmap for the implementation of a larger scale demonstration project.
Users and their needs
ENDESA, the major power generation company in Spain and one of the most important in Latin America, will be INTOGENER's main user and stakeholder.
The project gathers EO service providers (image processing and distribution), satellite-based communication providers (data transfer from remote based sensors), scientific private and academic structures (hydrological modelling, EO image processing, in-situ sensors), navigation system actors (GNSS-R in-situ technologies) ,as well as the energy industry segment as final users.
Different actors in the field of hydropower and water Management were involved with their contribution to user needs, including utilities and water management agencies.
Current Status
INTOGENER study finished on July 2011. Due to the promising results, a follow-on demonstration project is under preparation, targeting two Chilean basins and involving ENDESA Chile as the user.
The following tasks have been successfully conducted:
- Identification and consolidation of user requirements.
- Analysis on the current state-of-the-art technologies and services for water flow monitoring.
- INTOGENER service definition.
- Feasibility of the service concept.
- Viability analysis.
- Service roadmap, including a detailed plan for the follow-on demonstration project.