Objectives of the service
ISSWIND services are aimed to reduce planning and implementation costs, facilitate access to financing, optimize power trading activities thanks to improved day ahead wind and power estimations and optimization of construction and maintenance activities.
Users and their needs
Wind power is a market with a large number of involved stakeholders. In ISSWIND the following are identified:
- On and Offshore Developers (planning new implementations)
- On and Offshore Operators (managing parks and producing energy)
- TSOs – Transmission System Operators (managing the energy transmission grid)
- Offshore construction and maintenance companies (executing the actual construction of parks and maintenance at sea)
- Investors and insurance entities (not direct clients of the services but with interest and influence in the clients acquisition decisions)
Six users are involved in the ISSWIND project, including:
- 1 TSO
- 1 Construction and maintenance company
- 1 Energy trader
- 2 Operators
- 1 Developer
The main user need is to have more accurate and reliable estimations of historical and future wind characteristics. Specific needs of each market segment are:
- Reduction of planning costs (developers)
- More reliable long term power production estimation to secure financing (developers, investors)
- More accurate power production forecasting to optimize trading and maintenance activities (operators)
- More accurate power production forecasting to optimize grid management activities (TSO)
- More reliable forecasting of weather and sea conditions for offshore construction and maintenance activities (Offshore construction and maintenance companies)
Service/ system concept
ISSWIND will provide 4 main services:
- Service 1: Wind resource maps (hindcast), relevant for the implementation of new parks. The service evaluates the potential of a site (customers: developers, TSOs and investors)
- Service 2: Wind and wave hindcast databases, relevant for the implementation of new parks. It provides the historical weather and wave conditions of a site (customers: developers and investors)
- Service 3: Weather and ocean forecasts, for day to day operations of parks, provides weather forecast estimations with client requested features e.g. 6 forecasts a day, at hub height (customers: operators, TSOs and construction and maintenance companies).
- Service 4: Wind power forecasts, for power trading activities, provides power forecast estimations with client requested features e.g. 6 forecasts a day (customers: operators and TSOs)
Some examples of products can be found below:
- Hindcasting product
(credit ISSWIND consortium)
- Forecasting product
(credit ISSWIND consortium)
(credit ISSWIND demo consortium)
Space Added Value
ISSWIND makes use of two space assets:
- Satnav /GNSS used for atmospherical analysis to provide input for weather numeric models, thus increasing the accuracy of weather prediction models.
- Earth Observation data (SAF data from ROM-SAF, NWC SAF and Digital Elevation Models) used as input for weather numeric models.
Current Status
ISSWIND demonstration project started on the 15th of March 2016.
ISSWIND services design and development activities were carried out from October 2016 to June 2017, driven by the requirements collected from several users / potential customers.
Pilot demonstration with users based in Portugal, Poland and the Netherlands run from July 2017 over 6 months, gathering positive feedback that confirmed the main value propositions of ISSWIND.
Based on this positive outcome, the consortium is currently working to disseminate awareness on ISSWIND and developing contacts with potential customers and partners for its commercialisation.
Prime Contractor(s)