Objectives of the service
OCTAGON offers Decision Support Systems and an energy asset management tool, empowered by satellite communication and Earth Observation satellite data. In the OCTAGON project will be evaluated five subsystems, as described below:
OPTIMAL DESIGN Find the optimal design and dimensioning of the main components of the smart grid (generation, storage, consumption, etc.), to ensure reliability and stability to the grid and the financial convenience of the investment.
REAL-TIME ANALYSIS Real-time monitoring and diagnostic of the system components to optimize the system management and help on RE penetration in a smart grid scenario.
LOAD-FLOW ANALYSIS Forecast and management of anomalies, to avoid interruption of the electricity supply and optimize the use of renewables (REs).
BESS OPTIMIZATION Find the optimal usage of renewable sources (REs) in combination with the battery energy storage system (BESS = Battery Energy Storage System).
TICKETING Optimization of energy system management and reduction of recovery times for any critical events.
The solution is aimed at simulating and monitoring the components of a smart grid to optimize maintenance costs and minimize risks.
The figure below schematically shows the 5 subsystems listed above, describing the main benefits and description of the five subsystems of the OCTAGON project.

Users and their needs
OCTAGON aims to respond to the following general needs:
How to enable new services thanks to self-generation?
How to increase and maximize the use of generation from renewable sources?
How to increase CO2 savings for the benefit of the environment?
How to evaluate the investment in mixed systems in a simple but accurate way?
To respond to all these needs, i-EM proposes intelligent tools and services available in Cloud in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service), to facilitate the decision-making process and the management of energy assets, where "intelligent" means:
optimal design, dimensioning and management of the energy system
simulation and management of multiple scenarios/sites (“behind” and “beyond” the meter)
easy to use for all players in the energy system, decision makers and users
The solution is aimed at simulating and monitoring the components of a smart grid to optimize maintenance costs and minimize risks.
The reference customers of the services are:
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) and System Integrators
Consulting companies
Asset Managers and Asset Owner
Commercial & Industrial prosumers (C&I)
Balance/Flexibility Service Providers (BSP o FSP)
Grid operators: Distributor System Operators (DSO) and Transmission System Operators (TSO
Service/ system concept
OCTAGON solution is aimed at simulating and monitoring the components of a smart grid to optimize maintenance costs and minimize risks. The project evaluates five subsystems: OPTIMAL DESIGN, REAL-TIME ANALYSIS, LOAD-FLOW ANALYSIS, BESS OPTIMIZATION and TICKETING SYSTEM.
Such services will benefit from utilizing Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning techniques, 5g Communication (SatCom) and space-based data (SatEO data), for the optimal design, dimensioning and management of the energy system, supporting the increasing of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) penetration.
Main characteristics | Key Enabling Technologies | Main Benefits |
Big Data Analytics Machine Learning SatEO data 5G communication |
The high-level structure, benefits from Space Assets and Big Data Analytics, is described below:

Space Added Value
Satellite assets contribute to the OCTAGON services and their added value compared to competing non-satellite technologies that could be used for the same function.
Satellite Earth Observation (SatEO) EO assets provides historical and near real-time data to enable renewable plant production forecasting, real-time plant performance monitoring, input data for diagnostic systems (focus on solar radiation). Additionally, SatEO data can be used to support environmental impact assessment and bankability of renewable energy plants.
Satellite Communications (SatCom) Spatial coverage is an important element of the proposal; the SatCom can allow connection even in areas with poor network coverage. For continuity and robustness objectives, it will be evaluated how to use 5G technologies to support the IoT elements of the system. Digital technologies and SatCom will also be used for network balancing to support demand & response mechanisms.
Satellite Navigation (SatNav) Time-stamping information with accurate precision can allow for precise synchronization of data, especially useful for real-time analytics and/or ticketing systems. In addition, the tracking data provided with the SatEO derived information can strengthen traceability systems to show the origin of any reports so that risks can be identified.
Finally, terrestrial technologies potentially relevant for the proposed applications will also be taken into account, as an integration of satellite data. For example, augmented/virtual reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, 5G hybrid space/terrestrial communication networks and other effective tools for extracting models and analysing large amounts of data (Big Data Analytics).
Current Status
OCTAGON (Optimized, spaCe-based, and digiTally connected green energy solutions for the simulAtion and the manaGement of smart grid cOmpoNents) is a feasibility study related to ESA ARTES 4.0 Generic Programme Line Business Applications - Space Solutions (BASS) Feasibility Study “Sustainable Digitally Connected Solutions for Commodities Crisis”.
The consortium successfully completed the study proving the commercial and technical feasibility of the proposed solutions. The consortium has conducted several rounds of interviews with different users and stakeholders including companies outside the initial list of entities involved who have shown interest in the services, especially simulation and BESS optimization tools. Mock-ups have been created to help promote the services with prospective stakeholders. Currently, the focus is on preparing a proposal for a demonstration project based on the findings and lesson learned and on developing a partnership with those who have an interest in participating in the pilot itself.