Objectives of the service
The aim of the Oresome project is to validate the potential of under-utilised data with a focus on the improvement of a mine’s productivity. Part of the project is to establish robust and scalable operating models that support real-time intelligence and performance management. The project will also establish the value of implementing the AdeptoMines service by type and size of mine, existing asset base and current infrastructure.
Users and their needs
AdeptoMines’ initial rollout will target open pit copper mines globally. The design, user needs, proof of concept and passive trial are all being run at, and with the assistance of, the Assarel-Medet copper mine in Bulgaria. Assarel have a combination of low yield from low grade copper ore, meaning that their operating margin is slim compared to other mines, and they are keen to embrace any approach that results in any improvement in productivity/efficiency in the comminution phase. A list of potential mines for subsequent deployment has been created based on the characteristics of the orebodies. The positive experience/results at these mines should ensure an innovative and value-adding service for other mines and ultimately the service could be deployed across open pit mines of other commodities, not just copper. However, as every mine has to consider a range of unique factors when formulating its approach to mining and ore processing, the project is unlikely to have ubiquitous appeal.
Service/ system concept
The SaaS offer provides data designed to improve the productivity of mines by providing a new layer of insight to mine operators and planners that is not currently available. Better-informed decisions in the planning process will enable subsequent phases of extraction and processing to benefit from incremental refinements. Presentation of these data is under review, with options ranging from a dedicated hosted environment through to integrating with existing service providers or directly with existing client systems.
Space Added Value
Both SatCom and GNSS have pivotal roles to play in Project Oresome. The project aims to collect and process, in real time, large volumes of data from sites which may often have little, or unreliable existing comms due to their remoteness. GNSS provides critical positional data so that the information accurately identifies the part of the orebody being drilled and blasted.
Current Status
This feasibility project is approaching proof of concept with technical and operational viability assessments well underway. The above images are from the interrogation of historical data and examples of our explorations as to how best display the data. The participating Mine is providing excellent levels of support and the impact of the pandemic has been minimised through excellent teamwork.
The first progress meeting took place on 24th March 2021, with the Business Case Review scheduled for 23rd August 2021.