Objectives of the service

Organic Plausibility Checker aims to minimize fraud in the organic food supply chain and to increase trust in the sector. Combining satellite imagery with state of art Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a supply chain mass-balance system, we are providing the API that covers the remote monitoring of your field, check the organic integrity, and ensure the transparency of organic food from growers to consumers.
Users and their needs
Our potential customers are from the organic sector and from across the globe: organic control bodies, farmers, traders, and authorities. With growing organic markets supply chains are getting ever more complex. Thus, ensuring the integrity of products is a huge challenge. Users need at least the correct field location, monitoring of field sizes, yields, certification status of operators, and the product flow. In addition, the Covid pandemic underlined that stakeholders will increasingly introduce remote technologies for data gathering, inspection and surveillance.
Service/ system concept

Organic Plausibility Checker service is using a location API and a wide range of satellite imagery. Using medium resolution satellite data i.e., Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Landsat-8, GreenEO has developed a level 2 image processing technique to identify the crops and estimate yield information. Additionally, GreenEO provides a GIS tool to visualize and analyse all relevant data for organic field certification fraud prevention. Moreover GreenEO is using high resolution Planet Scope Level 1 satellite imagery to cover small-holder farmers. Organic control bodies are using the final service in the form of web application.
Check Integrity/ Check Organic is a cloud-based platform that combines real-time certification with real-time transaction data across the supply chain. It is a solution that can be applied in all commodity-based supply chains. Check Organic uses a traffic light system (red, yellow, and green lights) to indicate the status of certification and crop availability. Single company supply chain solutions as well as system-wide solutions (national, product based, Geographic origin, etc.) based on registration or certification of all system participants are feasible. By integrating the Organic Plausibility Checker with Check Organic, e.g., the Web GIS can be used to collect evidence and supply chain related data like field size, and yield for knowing the harvested amount of the crop that is the starting point for the supply chain mass balance calculation. API’s between the parties involved will maintain data transparency and availability for all.
Space Added Value
Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellite imagery were accessed from Copernicus mission, Landsat 8 satellite imagery from NASA mission. Organic control bodies are using location-based API for providing GreenEO organic field location data.
Using of earth observation data, GreenEO’s Organic Plausibility Checker enables organic control bodies to authenticate their data which will prevent the likelihood of fraud.
Current Status
The project kicked-off at the beginning of June 2021. Organic control bodies, experts, accreditation bodies, standard setters, authorities, and other organisations active in the organic sectors have been surveyed by online questionnaire comprising of 62 questions to understand their need to prevent organic food fraud using earth observation technology. The mailing list for the online questionnaire survey included 971 contact addresses from 450 organic control bodies globally.
In accordance with the User Requirement Analysis and to prevent food and beverage fraud in the organic sector, GreenEO has developed a system/ service architecture for organic control bodies, field inspectors and farmers. Services have been designed based on the requirements and specifications of the users.
GreenEO’s system enables control bodies to collect and capture field data and to analyse and verify data so that the control body is in better control over accurate farm data, the inspection and certification process to introduce an increased reliability and transparency to the organic system. The system is designed in such a way that the users can easily access it with their common devices and without much technical knowledge as it needs light hardware only, and due to its user friendliness.
The system’s architecture is built on a secured and protected platform with data security being a prime concern for GreenEO.
GreenEO’s services include:
The Organic Plausibility Checker
Single Selected Services and
Consultancy Services.
The system/ service architecture development is finalised. GreenEO and Organic Services are now targeting pilot customers and preparing the demonstration phase that will guarantee the integration of feedback from customers. Various organic control bodies have expressed their interest to participate in the pilot phase.