Objectives of the service

This demonstration project will deliver a novel cloud based B2B software service that will benefit onshore gas and water pipeline operators. Branded as Origin Orbit™ the service will utilise satellite remote sensing technologies, machine learning, and Origin’s integrity management expertise and know-how to enable the following:
SatEO surveillance, which can identify and assess encroaching threats (manmade and environmental) within a prescribed corridor of a MAHP gas pipeline in accordance with IGEM/TD/1 Edition 6.
Novel Ground movement and Depth of Cover (“DOC”) analysis utilising InSAR to assess changes and any potential geohazards which pose a risk to the MAHP Gas pipeline.
Water Pipeline Leakage & Rectification Assessment which utilises multiple remote sensing technologies (SAR and Multispectral) in conjunction with probabilistic modelling to identify failures which have led to the escape of treated drinking water from water pipelines. The complexity of a repair using our award winning patented inline pipeline fix technology Origin No Dig® is then calculated and prescribed.
Users and their needs
Origin Orbit™ will target Gas and Water utilities providing them with:
TD/1 Affirmation Reports (Gas)
Pipeline Surveillance (Gas)
Depth of Cover Assessments (Gas)
Geohazard Assessments (Gas)
Leak Detection and Rectification Planning (Water)
These turnkey solutions are provided in accordance with relevant regulatory and legislative requirements and will be cheaper and more efficient than existing solutions with less environmental impact.
Service/ system concept
Origin will harness Multispectral and SAR EO imagery in combination with GIS data and our own pipeline integrity assessment techniques to undertake ongoing pipeline surveillance and analysis for pipeline operators.
Gas Industry
The Origin Orbit™ Platform will not only provide audit and surveillance results in accordance with IGEM TD/1 faster and cheaper than existing methods, but it will automatically detect state changes and assess ground movement and depth of cover within a corridor of interest adjacent to the pipeline and learn from previous changes and incidents to rapidly identify and evaluate encroaching pipeline threats, significantly improving safety for the public and pipeline operators. Our specialist competence, knowledge and expertise in pipeline integrity engineering allows us to undertake the complex assessments and analysis to industry recognised standards and regulations based on EO datasets which delivers the real added value operators require, addressing the shortfalls from ‘data only’ remote sensing companies.
Water Industry
Origin Orbit will combine multiple remote sensing methods and our pipeline integrity expertise to probabilistically determine leak locations. Such locations are then combined with a Client’s GIS infrastructure dataset to determine the optimal deployment points for our ‘fix’ product Origin No Dig® an award-winning patented leak repair technology which we are currently deploying for water companies and does not require the exact location of the leak to be known or require any excavation work to be carried out in and around the pipe. This allows us to provide a true trenchless find and fix solution much faster and with minimal disruption which no other company will be able to replicate. It is the fact that an exact location is not required for Origin to fix the leak that allows our method to excel where other current approaches fail (As the final pinpointing of the leak is still carried out by ground crews before a repair via excavation can be undertaken which our solution Origin No Dig® does not), thereby a truly game-changing solution for the current Water Leakage and Repair market.
Space Added Value
The service will predominately utilise 2 main EO based remote sensing (Multispectral and SAR) datasets. Multispectral imaging is extremely well suited to capturing high resolution imagery (<1.5m) of vast swathes of interest such as areas around pipelines, whilst SAR data can be used for reliable ongoing monitoring (weather independent) of linear infrastructure and can be used to reliably measure ground and subsurface condition changes. Both Multispectral and SAR can quickly and consistently deliver frequent high-resolution datasets for vast Areas of Interest (“AOIs”) and is highly scalable, making it well suited for ongoing pipeline inspection, survey, and assessment. The Origin Orbit™ Platform will be designed to be supplier agnostic and will utilise remote sensing datasets acquired from multiple providers to ensure reliable delivery and leverage the best technical offerings.
Current Status
Working in conjunction with existing industry clients, we have developed efficient workflows for the system which meet user requirements. This has allowed us to fully define our system architecture and complete our initial design review milestone. We will now continue developing and verifying the platform prior to acceptance testing and pilot deployment.