Objectives of the service
Pipeline integrity management is a key concept in the gas and pipeline industry. This concept involves the definition of a Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS), which describes all activities to ensure that the pipeline system is safe and operational 24/7. The activities that are part of a PIMS include: design, construction, inspection, management, maintenance and documentation of the pipeline infrastructure. When such an approach is implemented a pipeline operator can demonstrate and verify that their pipelines are safe and that all significant risks are identified and, where possible, mitigated. The objective of this study is to investigate and define feasible and sustainable integrated services that will improve and lower the costs of PIMS-related activities by using space technology and assets. This study didnot only focus on the combined use of space assets but also on integrating the new application in a Pipe Integrity Management System.
Users and their needs
Pipeline operators
Service/ system concept
- Use of EO data to support pipeline inspections
- Real-time access to in situ pipeline sensor data
- Automatic detection of anomalies.
- Integration with existing PIMS system
Space Added Value
- Space assets provide frequent images of the pipeline infrastructure and the surroundings.
- Space assets allow transfer of data from remote areas to a local data station.
- Space assets provide location and better targeted maintenance of (buried) pipes.
Current Status
The PIMS In Space feasibility study has been concluded. The final presentation was held in May 2012. A demonstration project with GasUnie and Sasol Gas, amongst others, is under preparation.