Objectives of the service

PinPoint offers an innovative and disruptive solution for logistics and tracking needs by creating intelligent hardware IOT devices that utilize direct 2-way satellite services for communication, enabling customers to pinpoint their assets at anytime and anywhere on the planet, while also having the option to send and receive alerts and notifications from multiple IOT sensors, all with limited use of data and energy, and self-sustained with solar power, making it more affordable, reliable and environmentally-friendly compared to traditional GNSS and Sim-card based solutions on the market.
With our intelligent PinPoint tracking devices that utilizes direct 2-way satellite communication, we will be able to deliver a customizable solution that fits exactly to the individual customer’s needs and requirements.
By implementing our intelligent auto tracking service devices, the customers and users can save time and money on their logistics to easily get position validations and alerts from various sensors delivered automatically to wherever and whenever it is needed.
Users and their needs
The general pains that our potential users/customers are facing are mostly to keep track on their assets and locating them when needed (usually when they are not where they are supposed to be or arriving on time). This means they are all looking for a scalable solution that is cheap enough and effective enough to put on a vast amount of assets at the same time, so they don’t need to manually spend time on trying to locate them or find out if they will arrive on time or not (which can create a logistical nightmare in some cases).
On top of tracking the assets themselves we can also see that there is a big potential in the market for adding other IOT sensor data to our devices/services and that the combination of getting sensor data together with a timestamp and location can be very valuable for them all to have.
Our targeted users/customers are big global logistics companies, mainly with a focus on container shipping.
Service/ system concept
Intelligent Tracking And Sensor Data Alerts
Our intelligent devices will automatically confirm arrivals at any location, or send alerts otherwise - on top of that it delivers automated alerts if a sensor measurement is triggered (temperatures, gas etc,).
Cut Your Costs, Optimize Your Logistics, While Limiting The Amount Of Data Needed
By only receiving the data that is actually needed and not having to handle the data manually, you can easily optimize your logistics and tracking through our automated services. You basically only need to react if something goes wrong and you receive an alert from our system.
NO SIM-CARD CONNECTION - Unique 2-way direct satellite communication
PING-ABLE - Get asset locations (or sensor data) on demand, anytime, anywhere!
STAND-BY MODE - Extremely energy efficient & handles its own self-recharging
INTELLIGENT DEVICES - Automated validation of locations, sensor data and arrival times + Alerts
No more manuel tracking – Just positions & data on demand!

Space Added Value
On the current market there are mostly only expensive GNSS and Sim-card based hardware solutions that require the use of expensive, un-reliable data connections and devices that are not easily customizable, dynamic and intelligent. Most of them also needs to be re-charged, cannot be updated remotely and are often not able to communicate additional IOT functionality. Current solutions on the market are simply too expensive and in-efficient to be sustainable for big companies that have a lot of assets to track.
Pinpoint is very different from current solutions on the market and the whole concept has been carefully thought through, through direct involvement and discussions with some of the world’s leading logistics companies, to be able to solve the exact problems they are currently facing.
Our devices obtains it’s precise location via GNSS and then re-transmits its position- and sensor-data directly via dedicated 2-way communication satellites, that relays the data via a ground station directly to and from the customer/user. The devices therefore does not rely on any un-stable WIFI or cellular sim-card based data-connections, like other solutions currently on the market –
this means that our devices can therefore be used to communicate much more efficiently anywhere and anytime on the planet.
Current Status
The most critical aspect for the technical feasibility was to make sure that the satellite communication was working from our device and that we could actually bring our tiny device out in the field and send a message from it directly to the satellite and then receive it through the cloud on our computer inside.
As shown below we managed to both send and receive our first message “Hello World!”, on November 2, 2022 at 11:49 CET, during the feasibility study – a big and important milestone was achieved that day!