Objectives of the service
The objective of the feasibility study was to assess if the Senegal case is technically and economically ready to enter a demonstration phase. During the technical feasibility phase of the study the user needs and corresponding requirements have been formalized. Based on this definition, the needs for space assets have been confirmed. In a next step, the system architecture was designed. Based on the blueprint of the system, the proof of concept has been assessed through the development of an interface between PREDICT and SIGEL and a first set of data analysis and risk mapping tools. The study has also defined how the final service will be delivered. In addition to the technical feasibility, the economic sustainability of the services has been assessed. The aim of PREDICT was to provide generic components of an animal health surveillance system that can be used in other countries. In conclusion to the feasibility study, the concept of a commercial product, named VGTropics, has been proposed for a demonstration including five African countries.
Users and their needs
The end user for the feasibility study was the DSV, “Direction des Services Vétérinaires”, in charge of the animal health surveillance at national level in Senegal. In addition to DSV in Senegal, the other end users for VGTropics are located in Cape Verde, Zambia, Nigeria, South Soudan.
Service/ system concept
VGTropics offers three main services
- It strengthens communication channels so as to shorten the time between detection and response through the Data Collection and Analysis system, by providing the functionalities to enter geo-referenced case data and symptom data into a database and basic epidemiological tools.
- It optimizes the planning and logistic implementation of livestock surveys (Livestock Survey Service), enabling to produce livestock distribution maps and integrating these results in a GIS environment.
- It incorporates syndromic surveillance methods to improve animal disease notification by including questionnaires with lists of symptoms, which are easier to report than only relying on laboratory diagnoses.
Space Added Value
VGTropics incorporates three space assets which are critical parts of the proposed tools and services:
- Satellite Navigation is an essential part of the VGTropics Data Collection/Analysis service for the reporting of disease information and the planning of targeted surveillance actions. GPS units or smartphones with GPS functionality are either already in place or will be procured for the VGTropics System.
- Satellite Communication is an essential part of VGTropics Data Collection/Analysis service and contributes to the improvement of communication channels in remote areas. Mobile Crisis Team will use procured terminals to set up the network.
- Satellite Earth Observation is an essential part of VGTropics Livestock Survey and Distribution services. Because livestock husbandry is closely linked to environmental factors, satellite imagery provides area wide variables to serve as a basis for livestock distribution models.
Current Status
The final review of the PREDICT feasibility study was performed on May 11th 2012. The outline proposal for the VGTropics demonstration was submitted to ESA in May 2012, and approved for the submission of a full proposal planned in November. The start of the demonstration is expected early 2013.
Status Date: 24/07/2012
Prime Contractor(s)