Objectives of the service

Our market research has identified a perceived lack of self-awareness of performance in the water for surfers, and real difficulty to access preferred wave conditions consistently due to inaccuracy of existing surf forecasts, lack of free time, and affordability. High accuracy is critical for a realistic training tool. Current market leaders retail from £200 to £500+ whereas SeaUrchin are working with Samsung Smartwatches which retail closer to £150 - £300. For the tracking and forecasting elements SeaUrchin will be priced lower than current forecast premium apps at £20pa. Appetite for true feedback and these additional features was highlighted in our research. Our personalised surf forecast will ensure surfers enjoy their best waves and save users time, removing the need to drive between surf spots to check the best conditions for the individual, and aid surf coaches in daily checks and decision making for lesson location.
Users and their needs
UK Individual Surfers:
Our surf market community are based principally in coastal regions but also inland surfers.
We identify the market as ‘active surfers’ not holiday visits to the beach, and principally those riding long, short and mid length surfboards, plus body-boarders, paddle boarders and kite surfers / body surfing.
It’s difficult to visualise and measure your own performance in the ocean without a coach, video or tracking device.
Lack of available time to surf due to other commitments
Unable to access their preferred wave type consistently (size, power & quality of wave).
Expense and time of travelling to & between surf breaks (esp with cost of living crisis / fuel costs).
Existing tracking tools are expensive.
UK Surf Coaches & Surf Life Saving clubs
Surf coaches and working with adult and children, including 1-2-1 lessons, group lessons and school sessions, as well as coaching for competitions in conjunction with Surf England.
Surf Lifesaving Clubs are based in towns & villages along the coast and have a history of training kids and adults surf safety and competency in the water.
Surf Conditions: coaching effectiveness is dependent on specific sea conditions.
Time heavy approach of monthly video analysis for large numbers of students
Only able to assess students’ performance through being in the sea with them at close quarters, difficult with typically 10 students per coach
Existing tracking tools lack accuracy
Service/ system concept
Individual Surfers:
Wave count
Wave selection (types of waves caught)
Wave catch vs miss
Length of ride (time & distance)
Angle of ride (along wave or into shore)
Heights of waves ridden
Speed on the wave
Paddle distance per wave & per session
Wipe-out stats (which part of ride the wipe out happens)
Surf Coaches & Surf Lifesaving Clubs:
Application and dashboard for multiple-users
Lesson location decision support (according to lesson level, student data & sea conditions)
Remote coaching feature
We plan to provide surfers with genuinely useful and clear stats and feedback on their surf through the SeaUrchin surf tracker. In addition to this we will provide an enhanced more accurate surf forecast to rival market leaders. This will include personalised alerts to warn you when the perfect surf for your ability / surf style are due within your pre-defined location.
To do this we’re bringing together big data, Earth Observation and machine learning techniques to create a smart, accurate overview of your progress and heads up when the surf is good for you.

Space Added Value
The two space assets we intend to use are EO instruments (Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) and Satellite Navigation. Both space technologies are necessary to take advantage of AI techniques linked to imagery of the coastal conditions from space, accurate location and movement data from the SeaUrchin tracker application through GNSS, and the surfer inputs related to session satisfaction and wave characteristics.
For the UK and European market, the enhanced forecast and alert system will be achieved using the Sentinel 1 and 2 which no other surf product or service provides.
The EO imagery of surf spots will be used to monitor sea bed and water surface characteristics at surf beaches and link them to the GNSS information acquired through the SeaUrchin. These datasets together with user feedback will be used to drive the AI services to improve surfer’s forecasts.
Current Status
We have met with surf coaches in SW France and planning the Pilot Test phase with UK Surf Coaches and early adopter individual surfers.
Software: we are working with EO specialist and continue to work with a software agency – WeLoveMicro to support design and build of the SeaUrchin App and are in discussions with EO specialists for related support going forward. . We are completing readiness for machine learning element