ESA title


  • ACTIVITYFeasibility Study
  • STATUSOngoing
  • THEMATIC AREAEnvironment, Wildlife and Natural Resources

Objectives of the service

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The Surface Water Information Management (SWIM) application aims to address critical challenges in managing the world's freshwater resources. Water bodies face issues such as eutrophication, due to access to variable nutrient pollution, outdated monitoring equipment, too little workforce to take and analyse probes, data accessibility challenges, and the increasing water crisis driven by population growth, climate change, industrial expansion, and agriculture. Furthermore, water governance complexities arise from the diverse priorities of multiple stakeholders and the integration of new technologies.

SWIM delivers an integrated solution by providing a comprehensive view of water basins, combining real-time monitoring from Earth Observation (EO) and our in-house IoT (Internet of Things) platform, WAMO, into a unified offering. It delivers a comprehensive overview of basin health, ecological status, and actionable insights for managing water quality, balance, and natural disaster risks. The application features user-friendly dashboards, alerts, decision support systems, and seamless integration with third-party applications, aimed at improving water basin health through informed decision-making.

Our solution serves as a cohesive platform for water management authorities, companies, and stakeholders, facilitating collective action in water-stressed regions. By harnessing advanced Earth Observation data and innovative technologies, SWIM enhances preparedness for floods and droughts, supports stakeholder management, and promotes sustainable water resource management.

Users and their needs

The current user communities targeted for SWIM:

  • Municipalities, Government Agencies and Water utilities : These entities manage local and regional infrastructure, policy implementation, and are directly responsible for addressing climate change impacts at the community level.

  • Private Companies: These businesses are encouraged to ensure water action within the basins where they operate, aiming for sustainable operations and positive engagement with stakeholders in the area.

  • General Public: Individuals who are directly affected by environmental issues and play a role in community-level actions.

The main challenges and needs:

  • Understanding Basin Status: Users lack a clear picture of the status of basin, which is crucial for effective water management and environmental protection.

  • Data Resolution Issues: Current Earth observation data is inadequate due to resolution limitations, hindering effective monitoring and analysis.

  • Insufficient In-Situ Data: There is a lack of on-the-ground data collection, which is vital for accurate assessment and decision-making.

  • Impact Tracking: Users are not effectively tracking the impact of actions taken within the basin, leading to difficulties in measuring progress and outcomes.

  • Standardization of Reporting: There is a need for a standardized reporting system to streamline data collection, analysis, and sharing.

  • Data Interpretation: Users face challenges in interpreting basin data, which is essential for informed decision-making and strategy development.

Service/ system concept

The SWIM application is a comprehensive tool designed for managing surface water resources effectively. It provides users with vital information and recommendations to aid in water management and decision-making. Here's a brief overview of its capabilities and how it works:

  1. Capabilities and Information Provided:

    • Continuous Monitoring: SWIM continuously monitors various ecological parameters, water quality, and water balance.

    • Risk Assessment: It assesses risks related to surface waters, particularly floods and droughts

    • Actionable Recommendations: Users receive direct, understandable recommendations through alerts, data visualization, and reports.

    • Three Key Modules:

      • Water Quality Module: Identifies, tracks, and reports on harmful algal blooms (HABs) and other water quality indicators.

      • Water Balance Module: Assesses the hydrological balance of water bodies, offering suggestions for better water resource management.

      • Natural Disaster Assessment Module: Identifies and maps areas at risk of floods and droughts, aiding in preparedness and response strategies.

      • Tracking and Corrective Actions: The application tracks changes over time and suggests corrective actions and recommendations.

  2. How SWIM Works:

    • SWIM uses data from Earth Observation (EO) satellites, enhanced by measurements from a patented IoT hardware platform called WAMO.

    • This data is then processed and translated into useful information.

    • Users can access this information through an easy-to-use interface that provides insights, visualizations, and actionable recommendations.

    • The application integrates and analyzes data to offer a comprehensive understanding of water-related issues.

  3. System Architecture:

    • Satellites and our integrated IoT Device: Collect surface water data.

    • Data Processing Unit (WOLF): Calibrates and enhances satellite data with in-situ measurements.

    • Analysis and Reporting Engine: Translates data into actionable insights and recommendations.

    • User Interface: Delivers information and recommendations in an easy-to-understand format.

Space Added Value

The SWIM platform's distinctive advantage is rooted in its integration of diverse space assets to enhance water monitoring and management capabilities. Primarily, it utilizes:

  • Earth Observation (EO) Datasets: Leveraging satellite data for comprehensive and continuous surface water monitoring, especially from Copernicus.

  • European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS)-based IoT Platform (WAMO): This provides precise location tracking, enhancing data accuracy for in-situ measurements.

  • Satellite Communication: Vital in disaster scenarios for timely warnings and in areas with poor terrestrial network coverage.

The integration of these space assets offers several added values over traditional methods:

  • Enhanced Accuracy and Reliability: The WAMO OPIE Learning Framework (WOLF) calibrates the data, improving not just the application's precision but also enriching the overall quality of Copernicus's global products.

  • Comprehensive Data Fusion: The combination of EO datasets with EGNSS-based IoT provides a more holistic and robust analysis than what any single source could offer.

  • Real-time Monitoring and Assessment: The platform's ability to continuously gather and process data allows for timely responses to water-related issues, surpassing the capabilities of many existing competitors.

Current Status

Our project has made significant strides, establishing crucial connections with major stakeholders in Darmstadt for upcoming pilot testing. Simultaneously, we are gearing up for expansion into other cities, such as Lubeck and Rostock. The outreach involved attending multiple water and climate tech workshops, webinars and networking events. Leveraging extensive exploration of Earth Observation (EO) maps, satellite imagery, and advanced algorithms, we've successfully integrated datasets into the Minimal Viable Product of SWIM. This groundbreaking achievement, combining our patented in-situ measurement WAMO, is ready for customer demonstration. Our startup's technological prowess garnered attention, securing coverage in the local newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau. Looking forward, strategic alliances with reputable institutions like WRI, University of Maryland, and UN Global Compact are underway, reinforcing our commitment to expanding technology across priority basin networks. Our focus remains on enhancing our technology by developing water balance, water quality, floods, and drought layers for the future.

Prime Contractor(s)

Status Date

Updated: 23 May 2024