Objectives of the service

The main purpose of the TREVAR system is to raise the level of tactical awareness in team games. The platform is based on the ability to display in virtual reality or augmented reality models of players and their mutual positioning. At the same time the coach can have a preview on a tablet or computer on the visualisation and will be able to stop the action and move the player on the 2D visualisation. The effect can be to change the view in virtual reality and augmented reality, in which the AVATARS of the players can be displayed. This approach can allow the player's positioning on the pitch to be corrected and allow a better understanding of the specifics of a given tactic. At the same time, the system can make it possible to display a match played already in training and draw attention to tactical errors. When the visualisation is activated it can have an automatic view generated for the player in question. Similarly, it can be possible to display AVATARs of players on the real pitch.
Users and their needs
In today's sport the final success is determined by details. When playing matches, each team develops its game strategy. The better the understanding of the strategy, the easier it is to play. At the same time, a team develop automatisms in football game. Whenever we cheer and watch sports competitions, we hear from experts who comment on sports matches that "someone has beaten someone tactically" or that a particular coach has prepared his players very well for the match. At the same time, children's schools are springing up, where different models of play are implemented from the youngest players. Understanding the strategy of the game facilitates victories and successes. Monitoring of training and match performance allows conclusions to be drawn for further development and improvement of the players' level.
TREVAR is aimed at teams playing at different levels in different countries, but the testing of the original solutions is related to Polish teams.
Service/ system concept
The functioning of TREVAR is based on five modules performing different tasks.

Module 1 - User/Footballer activity module. The main task carried out by this module is to provide the TREVAR system with activity data from the players' personal recorders.
Module 2 - User Interface Module. The main task carried out by this module is to enable the trainer to manage training sessions.
Module 3 - Data collection and analysis module. The main task carried out by this module is to collect data entered by users (footballers, coaches) and to process and analyse it for the purposes of graphical (in VR and AR technology) and numerical-graphical presentation (statistical analyses).
Module 4 - Presentation module in VR and AR technology. It includes:
scheme of conduct of the transformation of coordinates to the local system,
visualization of object trajectories,
scale factor for objects.
Module 5 - 2D presentation module. Graphic presentation based on web modules.

Space Added Value
An essential element in the system can be a correctly determined position of the user based on GNSS positioning. The registered trajectory of an individual athlete will allow monitoring his or her training. The system can allow adding trajectories of several players. Determining the location of the pitch and its dimensions can allow detailed team analyses based on coordinates. For this purpose, the coach can assign attributes to individual players: team, position on the pitch, gender, age, etc. Known location of the GNSS receiver and information about signal continuity can allow to build spatial models for a single player and models for the whole team. The second important functionality can be the creation of tactical training opportunities. The platform can be based on registered GNSS coordinates. This can allow visualisation of various tactical solutions both in virtual reality and on sports fields based on augmented reality. It can be up to the user to decide on which platform to train on. Precise coordinates based on the Galileo and EGNOS systems can allow for better reconstruction of the training course.
Current Status
The Final review of the study has been held on 23/03/22 and the study is completed.
To date, the study has involved:
a number of consultations and surveys with football coaches and players;
development of preliminary technical assumptions for the construction of the target system;
It is intended to go forward with a demonstration project and the study has included an estimation of the project time to build the finished TREVAR system, the costs involved and the scope of work.
The cooperation with local football schools and teams so far indicates a great interest in TREVAR mainly by coaches. They see in the proposed solution a tool that significantly supports the training process and can contribute to the improvement of results achieved on the field.