Objectives of the service
The purpose of the demonstration project was to increase the Technology Readiness Level through the development of a near market ready solution.
During the demonstration project, operational tests of a fully developed uTRAQ system integrated with existing operational urban traffic management systems has been completed in conjunction with a local authority.
Users and their needs
The target market for uTRAQ are local authorities of medium to large towns, major urban centres and Cities, not only within the UK, Western Europe but also further afield in both the developed and developing world.
Traffic densities are increasing, with improvements in emission rates failing to provide the necessary compensating impact on air quality. Therefore, systems are required to jointly manage traffic flows and air quality in urban environments, to optimise the efficient movement of people and goods, while protecting the health of residents and visitors to major cities.
Service/ system concept
The service concept of uTRAQ is to provide an extension of existing traffic management tools and data streams which are supplemented by EO data in a single user centric system to forecast and mitigate the effects of air quality and congestion on urban centres.
Space Added Value
uTRAQ utilises two space assets, firstly GNSS data and position data, secondly EO air quality measurement which are used to provide a wide area data set on air quality across urban centres.
Current Status
Successful completion
Prime Contractor(s)