ESA title

Submission Form

Thematic Call: Digitising Water Resilience - Acting on Water Stress in Basins 

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Please record a pitch video, which should include the following information:
  • Who you are – Which company/companies will be involved in the feasibility study? 
  • What your idea is – What is your proposed service and how does it work? 
  • Which test users will be involved in the feasibility study – have you already determined who the users of your service will be? Have you engaged with them already?
  • Which satellite data and innovative technologies your idea will use – can you be specific about the data and technologies you will use?  
  • Your starting point - Are you starting from scratch? Have you worked on similar projects in the past?  
  • Your vision for the future – how will you aim to tackle water resilience - related challenges by 2030? Think big!
Once you have recorded your video, post it on a website or streaming service; you can use any service to upload it. Share the URL of your video here:
Please indicate whether ESA can share your Video Pitch and Pitch Form with the CEO Water Mandate and Water Resilience Coalition (WRC) Member Companies.
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