ESA title

SpaceForMed: Opportunities to identify space-based services in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries

SpaceForMed is a joint undertaking between ESA and the European Investment Bank (EIB). Its objective is to support economic growth in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean regions by exploring the possibilities offered by space-based services in key economic sectors.

As part of the activities to be performed, ESA and EIB are pleased to announce the launch of two open competitive tenders to explore possible services in the areas of transport and Logistics as well as water management. These opportunities are announced in EMITS since 14/04/2014 and they will be opened for a period of eight (8) weeks.

The tenders are open to all ESA Member States, EU Member States and target countries of EIB’s FEMIP Trust Fund (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Gaza / West Bank, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon), and the SoW will be made available on an exceptional basis through the following links, upon registration:

Identification of Opportunities to Develop Space-based Services for Transport and Logistics in FEMIP Countries
Identification of Opportunities to Develop Space-based Services for Water Management in FEMIP Countries

Please be aware that the rest of the tender documentation as well as any questions on the tender will be made public only though EMITS.

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