Objectives of the service

Simplifying the way people create and access meaningful information and cultural experiences.
Using AI and Augmented Reality content to help disabled travellers navigate station or airport layouts and access real-time information.
Empower station/airport staff to deliver critical messages to the right place in near-real-time,
Engage people with their communities
Regenerate locations of heritage
It starts with a Content Management System and delivers immersive experiences triggered in locations using geolocation, ensuring that information can be accessed in the right place at the right time.
Users and their needs
For Disabled travellers, navigating global travel hubs can be a nightmare. Our product allays their anxiety/confusion/distress when wayfinding.
Travel hubs need to increase passenger convenience, confidence, and engagement.
Station/airport staff need the ability to deliver messages and information to the right location in near- real time (especially during disruption and delays)
Heritage and tourist sites need to bring culture and education to deprived areas in an affordable and sustainable way.
Our solution is designed to be:
Easy to access on most smart devices
Easy-to-use with no-code Content Management System
Provide content options that are engaging and innovative
Affordable and sustainable
Reach people with information where they need it most
Service/ system concept
A Content Management System where assigned “creators” develop AR experiences using simple copy-and-paste functions. Experiences can be accessed within moments. End-users download the app and uses an interactive map to locate and open the experiences.
Creators can:
import a variety of experience content (video, photos, text, maps etc)
choose the location of their experience
choose to host this in an AR portal
choose 3D avatars and a range of voices
type in the speech they want the avatars to say
choose hyperlinks/DeepLinks
update content whenever they want
Space Added Value
GNSS-triggering: geolocation
Experiences are triggered when the end-user crosses a geofence i.e., when satellite signals configured by the CMS are received by the mobile and interact with our software solution.
Current Status
Work achieved so far includes:
New UX design, wireframes, flow developed ready for developers, for both CCP and app.
New UI for both Content Management System and app
Basic map design
New animated AR avatars researched, designed and created
Text to speech software company sourced and tested
Accessibility compatibility research and design
Content created for testing
Issue of battery drain and poor performance of prototype researched, with various solutions
Design of landing page from where the AR experiences are activated to reduce battery drain
Conducted online surveys with user groups
Conducted workshops with user groups
Conducted meetings with key partners Green Bean, Crocodile Media, MMU, Music In Mind
Appointed new Accessibility and Inclusivity advisor roles
Explored experience design re optimisation (offline elements to save drain & using less data-
heavy AR “skins”)
Business analysis and development: partnerships developed with: Network Rail, Costain, Kenya Airways
Support secured from UK Edge

Potential solutions explored or issue o battery drain and poor performance of prototype researched.