Objectives of the service
@PACE is a decision support solution aimed at providing 360 shared situational awareness among all stakeholders engaged in decommissioning or new construction of offshore energy assets. Its unique selling point is automated consolidation of location specific data from 100s data repositories worldwide plus possibility to upload and share custom data from images to complex point clouds and 3d models. New projects can be setup in minutes and stakeholders from different entities included easily allowing everybody involved fast and intuitive access to key project site information. Advanced visualization techniques and Mixed-Reality technology supports interaction and collaboration from any device anywhere in the world relocating many planning tasks from “onsite” to “online” spaces saving time, money and reducing the C02 footprint and risk exposure of the projects.
Users and their needs
@PACE brings together diverse data sources to aid project planning, execution, and site monitoring throughout the project lifecycle.
Service/ system concept
@PACE is a service product that provides a project-centric view of highly enriched insights in a portal that is dynamically shared amongst project stakeholders throughout the project life cycle creating common understanding, transparency, and improved efficiency. AI support allows, for example, to predict the probability of operational windows according to acceptable limits set for different project activities. The integration of advanced computer vision technologies is transforming personal mobile devices into powerful survey instruments empowering project teams to act more effectively and transparently.
The rationale behind @PACE is: Automation of information collection, level of detail growing with project needs and easy to access and easy to share.

Space Added Value
The proposed service is a combination of numerous stand-alone micro-services that, according to project specific user requirements, are orchestrated into the desired “project” environment. All services rely directly and indirectly on space assets, in particular:
- a) Earth Observations, and
- b) Position-Navigation-Time (PNT).
The main data sources are:
- Sentinel 2 imaging data from Multispectral Instrument (MSI) - mainly for improved spatial planning and cross-verification of custom uploads. The dash-board provides the newest cloud-free scene and access to historic images from last few years.
- Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) – for ice cover detection and iceberg monitoring as part of short-term planning of operational windows and risk exposure. Dashboard includes the most recent available image and historic timelapse on demand.
- Copernicus Marine Service - L3 and L4 data products from assimilation of SatEO and in-situ observations within numerical models. It includes historic reanalysis, present analysis and 10-day forecast data.
- GNSS – PNT information for Vessel traffic distribution and vessel journey logs using terrestrial and SatAIS data.
- SatCom – to share insights to remote locations, vessels and working crews
- GNSS - to guide and localise correctly data acquisition during on-site data collection using personal mobile devices.
Current Status
The service concept and architecture of @PACE have been finalized based on numerous meetings with our customers. The estimates of the development and follow-up operational costs validated the economic viability of the service at a price tag that is just a small fraction of the savings it is delivering to its customers. A clear roadmap to service implementation is in place together with some fantastic customers prepared to guide the team during final service development and pilot it in their real-life operational context. The feasibility study is completed and @PACE is transitioning to development and piloting phased to deliver a great commercial service our customers deserve.