Objectives of the service
DragonFly is a stand-alone certified solution (hardware, firmware and software) for goods monitoring, tracking and geolocation by air, sea and land. The solution has been initially developed to support logistics operators to run the effective distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

The device is fully autonomous, with machine learning capabilities and offers a real time warning/alert notification service. DragonFly is designed to improve security and coordination along all steps of the supply chain and optimise information exchange among all stakeholders. This solution is ideal for goods such as pharmaceutical products. DragonFly is also useful against counterfeit and provides a lifecycle management during the shipping journey.

The main specifications of the solution are the following:
- Communication:
- Global LTE cellular network for permanent ground communication
- NFC/RFID allowing handler to check the content and the information of the container without opening it via smartphone
- Mesh networks allowing to communicate with Aircraft/Boat/Vehicle
- Use of a satellite gateway (SkyLink device) while enroute
- Ability to obtain real-time information even during the flight
- Always visible oLed screen for sensor visualisation, transport data and custom barcode/QRcode
- Sensors:
- Temperature -40°C to +70°C with gradient analyze
- Lumens and UV with multiple threshold
- X-Ray detection
- Mems 9 axes with machine learning
- Inviolable Digital seal
- GNSS receiver with 3 simultaneous constellation GLONASS/NAVSTAR/Galileo) with ground augmentation
- Data analysis:
- Anticipation and alerting/notifications of transportation issues
- 256-Bit Encryption end-to-end
- Web Application (Tracking Map, Fleet manager, dashboard)
- Mobile application (via BLE and NFC)
- API for database easy integration on your system
- Powering :
- Secured battery
- 60 days of autonomy
- Fast USB-C PD charge (2 hours), standard USB charge (7h30)
- Certification pending:
- FDA 21 part 11
- Temperature calibration certificate
- Aeronautical battery certification
Users and their needs
The solution is designed to support all stakeholders involved into an end-to-end logistic chain, and in particular for this project, related to vaccine transportation and distribution. This includes:
- Pharmaceutical firms, who need to have traceability certification for their products.
- Logistics companies, who need to meet traceability requirements specified by their customers.
- Hospitals, who required a guarantee that pharmaceutical products are usable.

Service/ system concept
In the frame of this project, DRAGONFLY can monitor pharmaceutical packaging and provide near real-time status of the payload. As a given DragonFly device is linked to a given pharmaceutical lot, it contains the dedicated operational rule for that specific transport (temperature threshold, acceleration and vibration pattern, authorized opening zone, …) in order set the appropriate shipment conditions for an effective end-to-end lifecycle management.

DRAGONFLY is able to detect the changes of some parameters (environmental: temperature, humidity, UV, shock, … / inspection / location) and can therefore prevent counterfeit, support logistics decision and actions in order to preserve the integrity of the transported goods..
This solution requires a high level of server architecture availability. It requires in particular a communication channel allowing billions of simultaneous data transfer, encrypted and a secure storage with access monitoring. The cloud created for this service uses several data centres all around the world with a full reliable accuracy and redundancy. Yet, this is transparent for the users as DRAGONFLY is provided to a fully integrated and intuitive turnkey service.

The DRAGONFLY solution offers to stakeholders user-friendly interfaces in order to track their products. This includes location on a map, geofencing capabilities, fine parameter monitoring (e.g. temperature) and multi-data display.

Space Added Value
Space assets are integrated at the heart of the DragonFly solution, allowing real-time communication thanks to satellite communication and accurate geolocation through GNSS services.
Satellite communication:
The service uses the Iridium constellation, which supports different data rates and helps to keep the price competitive. These data rates can be adapted based on the utilisation need and provide near real time data even if during flight or last miles in isolated location.
GNSS data:
DRANGONFLY mainly uses cellular triangulation during transport but for some operations, it needs precise geolocation and then it also uses 3 different bands simultaneously: Navstar, Glonass and Gallileo. It also uses terrestrial augmentation. That allows DRAGONFLY to have references for starting indoor tracking and also several features allowing the device to comply with aeronautical constraints.

Current Status
Since its inception in April 2021, the DragonFly Project has made significant progress towards the development of an innovative solutions for the cold supply chain. Key accomplishments include:
- Prototype Launch: Early-stage prototypes were tested for feature validation and operational integration.
- Optimization and Testing: From 2022 to 2023, the DragonFly was refined and tested across multiple sites, improving data transfer mechanisms, battery performance, and alert systems.
- Product Diversification
- DragonFly Lite (LoGGy): Lightweight version without a screen or cellular modem.
- LoGGy Hub: Data gateway for seamless cloud integration.
- DragonFly+ (LoGGy+): Intermediate version.
- DragonFly Full: Advanced version with X-ray sensors and gas analyzers.
- Commercial Success: Fully operational installations in lead user facilities and OEM integrations via APIs.
While the original activity has been instrumental to raise the interest of several prospective customers, additional features and validations are required in order to boost commercialization. In this respect, ESNAH are preparing for an extension of the contract which will improve readiness of their solutions to enter the market. The objective of the company is to be able to deliver a fully mature and certified solution, ready for a full-scale commercial deployment around late 2025.
Currently, ESNAH has successfully sold its solution to three lead users, enabling the validation not only of the device’s ability to meet user needs but also of its capability to anticipate issues that are otherwise invisible in day-to-day operations but could lead to significant problems over time. For instance, the solution detected the effects of a defective air conditioning system on the relative humidity of a storage room or an industrial refrigerator’s regulation issue that exceeded the maximum allowable temperature by more than 10 degrees for an hour each day. This also allows the company to validate its entire client support strategy, solution deployment processes, and the overall effectiveness of the solution in real-world conditions.
This ambitious roadmap reflects the transformative potential of the DragonFly project in advancing cold chain logistics and ensuring the integrity of temperature-sensitive payloads globally.