Objectives of the service
The project had the objective of studying the ability to identify and prioritise the most likely contaminated areas where expensive and time consuming mine survey and clearance operations should be carried out, and to identify areas that can be released in accordance with International and National Mine Action Standards for land release. As a second area of assistance the provision of very high resolution imagery, satellite communications, navigation, and survey capability to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of field teams conducting technical survey, close-in detection, and mine clearance operations was explored.
Users and their needs
The final proposition is targeted at the National Mine Action Authorities and other users (such as the UN) with authority to make decisions with regard to the land release process.
Service/ system concept
A Decision Support Service providing Earth Observation products as required by the user.
Space Added Value
Space Earth Observation provide an added cost benefit over other methods of survey such as putting a team into the field or flying an aircraft.
Current Status
The project has been completed.
Prime Contractor(s)