Objectives of the service
The objective of the TT-GSAT Feasibility Study is to evaluate the critical elements of the technical feasibility and the commercial viability of future TT-GSAT services.
Information and services based on space assets enable rescue and emergency services/organizations to improve the effectiveness of their operations and reduce response times significantly. However, it creates challenges from the early needs and requirements definition all the way towards a productive implementation. With the approach of a test- and training center reflecting the needs and requirements of future rescue and emergency services operations, it is expected that both industry and public authorities jointly work on satellite technology based solutions, which results in a significantly reduced “time-to-market” (innovation driven demand).
Therefore, the aim of the TT-GSAT approach is to get state-of-the–art technologies as early as possible into the hands of rescue and emergency services/organizations to support an end-user and requirements-oriented development of new products/services, to share implementation risk and to foster the utilization of innovative technologies and services in this particular market segment.
Users and their needs
The TT-GSAT project ensures the active participation of stakeholders from rescue and emergency services with police, emergency medical services, fire and rescue services, technical services for disaster relief,
as well as training and educational institutes from public authorities, and Governmental organizations.
New satellite based technologies, products and services rapidly emerge, taking for granted in everyday life, but causing new integration complexities in emergency management and emergency response. Accordingly rescue and emergency services/organizations face the challenge of integrating new technologies and services of satellite and terrestrial communications, navigation (GNSS), earth observation (EO) and visualization to improve the existing management and information processes. The integration in a mission-critical environment, where every second counts and secure, resilient communications and precise spatial information for improved situational awareness is required.
Consequently, the management of innovation driven rescue and emergency services demand and procurement, the test of technologies and services, and -, the improvement of staff skills becomes a mandatory means of efficient rescue and emergency services processes.
Service/ system concept
TT-GSAT enables public authorities, rescue and emergency services organizations as well as industry and service provider:
- to discover and to evaluate the latest sat- and terrestrial communication, GNSS, GIS and Earth Observation technologies and to perform test- and training-–sessions (scoping services, proof-of-concept, technology impact assessment, consulting)
- to conduct testing and deployment services when new technologies are being implemented (test, conformance and staging services, technical support)
- to provide a demonstration platform for technology companies and service providers to test new technologies and products and to gain first hand feedback from end-users.
to offer training services where technology/domain specific technologies, e.g. GIS application and data management, UAVs/UGVs simulation and exercises are provided
Space Added Value
The envisaged Test- and Training-Centre for Geoinformation- and Satellite-based Rescue & Emergency Services (TT-GSAT) will make use of the three space assets:
- Satellite Communication. To provide communication in combination with terrestrial communications systems like Wireless Ad Hoc networks, radio and public networks in operation areas where the existing communication is overloaded, destroyed or not operable anymore.
- Satellite Navigation (GNSS) services. To provide secure satellite-based positioning, navigation, tracking and synchronization.
- Earth Observation (EO) Services. To provide Earth Observation data to obtain up-to-date information on the relevant operation or crisis event, its geographical extension, its temporal development, damages, etc.
Current Status
TT-GSAT initially started as a Fast Track Feasibility Study, which investigated the relevant user requirements, defined a potential TT-GSAT service and system architecture and elaborated the initial elements of a TT-GSAT business plan. Due to the reduced scope of the Fast Track Feasibility Study further work was required to complete the results. This work was carried out in the TT-GSAT Full Feasibility Study, - in completed July 2016.