ESA title

OPPORTUNITY 5G for L’ ART (L’ Aquila, Abruzzo Region, Rome, Torino)

With the aim of providing evidence of the advantages deriving from the link of space and 5G technologies, ESA has initiated a dialogue with several user communities and stakeholders, presenting a number of application areas of specific interest to the local user communities and economic/societal context.

This specific Announcement of Opportunity originated from three collaboration agreements between:

the Agency and Roma Capitale 

the Agency and the University of L’Aquila/the Abruzzo Region/the Municipality of L’Aquila 

the Agency and Municipality of Torino 

In agreement with the above stakeholders, ESA has defined relevant use cases that can show-case in an operational context the benefits of using space in conjunction with 5G, at the same time leading to sustainable services to the benefits of the local communities. The initiative aims to stimulate submission of proposals by industry and institutions to study, develop and demonstrate applications based on space and 5G addressing the use cases and /or themes subject of the following thematic calls: 

For more information please join one of our webinars:

 More information follows soon.






Feasibility Studies

Word Format

Outline Proposal Template

Word Format Full Proposal: Cover Letter and Full Proposal Template



Demonstration Projects

Word Format

Outline Proposal Template

Word Format Full Proposal: Cover Letter, Full Proposal Template and Milestone Payment Plan calculator



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