ESA Business Applications Ambassadors
The ESA Business Applications Ambassadors extend the reach of the Agency by engaging with communities which would otherwise never hear about space. The role of the Ambassadors is threefold:
- They are the first national point of contact, have the ability to
multiply and reinforce positive messages about space in Europe and act as a bridge between ESA, Member States, and industry.
- Ambassadors create and manage relationships with the non-space industries, actively engaging with communities in line with national strategies.
- Provide support to companies: Ambassadors are also advisors for companies from the initial stages of awareness to the different types of funding opportunities inside of ESA‘s ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) 4.0 programme – feasibility studies, kick-starters, demonstration projects, etc. Their support consists of providing information, advice, matching with potential partners (consortia building), validating business cases and supporting companies in the application process. Ambassadors do not have a stake in the ARTES programme.
Their main activities are participating in non-space events, by re-distributing social media messages, and most importantly consulting companies on how ESA’s Directorate of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications (TIA) can support industry. Additionally, the Ambassadors of the different countries exchange on insights between each other and can support the creation of international consortia.