Reducing the risk of bird strikes using satellite images and Ascend’s Normalised Difference Water index software (NDWI)
Based on user needs and industry skills, the evolution of customized solutions and the establishment of innovative services is accomplished through project activities. Focusing on various thematic areas, relevant information on the project activities is provided below.
Status date: 05 July 2016
Agriculture is becoming more and more data driven and farmers are in demand of relevant, fresh information about their crops for location specific treatment. BIOSCOPE sets up a unique service based on satellite imagery when possible and drone imagery as backup when clouds prevent an undisturbed view.
SIS-SREM Feasibility Study
Status date: 03 June 2015
The SIS-SREM (Safety and Information Systems for Ski Resorts in Emerging Markets) feasibility study investigates and assesses the technical feasibility and commercial viability of a sustainable service which will support the management of ski resorts (development, operation, maintenance) in order to reduce the operational cost and services which support safety and enjoyment of their visitors.
SHM Telecom Towers
Status date: 02 July 2014
The project “SHM for Telecom Towers” aims at developing a remote monitoring service to support the assessment of the structural integrity of assets, as the towers for Radio-TV Broadcasting or other metal infrastructures, in order to increase safety and optimize the maintenance procedures and promote the transition from a time-based maintenance to a condition-based one.
Status date: 25 January 2016
SASISA (Small-Aircraft Service for Instant Situational Awareness) supplies airborne situational awareness support for civil protection operations in the early phases of disaster response. Remote sensing results have often only been accessible after several days. With delivery of georeferenced imagery via satellite broadband during flight and value-added mapping products within a day, SASISA offers transformational change to European emergency management services.
Status date: 22 April 2016
In many African countries, livestock farming is an important source of revenue that improves the quality of life and strengthens the development of the economy. Animal health not only has an impact on animal production and its economic consequences, but zoonoses may also have an important impact on public health. Real time surveillance and prompt actions are paramount in diminishing the impact of epizootics on livestock. For this reason, early detection and shortening the time between detection, reporting and providing measures to contain an outbreak is crucial.
VGTropics is the result of the “Predict” feasibility study which was successfully concluded in 2012.
Status date: 30 November 2015
T4MOD project aims at developing and validating a user-friendly Telemedicine system, through an interoperable IP overlay satellite network associated to an intelligent end-to-end communication service, capable to support different medical specialities. This solution, to be validated in a military environment, could be also extended for future exploitations in civilian field for organisations (for example national health systems) operating in underserved and/or geographically isolated areas, such as in case of natural disasters or humanitarian crises. The system can be instrumental to develop new medical protocols for a cooperative medical work of diagnosis and therapies. T4MOD involves as users the health Department of four Ministries of Defence: France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
Status date: 13 June 2013
SASISA assesses and validates a new service that enables emergency and disaster relief organisations to exploit overhead remote sensing during the most critical initial response phase for improved situational awareness.
Status date: 22 March 2016
The objective of this feasibility study is to assess and validate the requirements for space technologies in support of optimising situational awareness in the Arctic. The major focus is on two application areas – shipping (e-Navigation in the Arctic) and oil & gas (Arctic oil spills).