Reducing the risk of bird strikes using satellite images and Ascend’s Normalised Difference Water index software (NDWI)
Based on user needs and industry skills, the evolution of customized solutions and the establishment of innovative services is accomplished through project activities. Focusing on various thematic areas, relevant information on the project activities is provided below.
Status date: 01 December 2014
The proposed project is to conduct a feasibility study focused mainly on interoperability aspects derived from to design, implement and operate a pan-African eHealth platform based on a satellite communications system.
Status date: 27 June 2014
The ISABELIA Feasibility Study specified and validated the sustainability of services and that would provide users at sea with near real time information on dangerous ice situations, indicators of collision risk and on risk of grounding, thereby improving the safety of vessels in the Baltic Sea.
ISIDE 4 Africa
Status date: 30 March 2015
I4A focuses on the provision of educational content and Internet access to African primary and professional high schools and to health and cultural centres. In a nutshell, I4A aims at providing a one-stop-solution for the collection, organization, delivery and use of digital educational contents based on the ISIDE platform/service.
Status date: 15 June 2012
The project utilizes satellite images, in situ data and historical data dericing technical conclusions helping decision makers in their tasks of land prioritizing and allocating the use of mine action resources to improve socio-economic impact as well as avoiding unnecessary deployments of clearance activities in non-contaminated areas. Navigation and satellite communications help to streamline field activities, logging and shared database access, as well as to support collection and georeferencing of airborne data.
Integrating Space Assets for UK Civil Resilience
Status date: 24 September 2012
The project is aimed at integrating space assets in a manner that will better serve the UK resilience community during crisis response. The goal is to provide a service that enhances the responder and decision maker tool-kits through the integration of existing space capabilities.
Status date: 12 June 2015
INTOGENER (INTegration of EO data and GNSS-R signals for ENERgy applications) Demo is a project aiming at demonstrating the operational capabilities of a water flow monitoring and prediction system aimed at hydropower production and water management organizations.
Status date: 14 June 2012
The IRISS feasibility project has identified the applications and requirements for an integrated information, communication and navigation gateway within the rail transport sector, designed and developed a solution and performed a proof of concept activity.
iFish North Sea
Status date: 03 March 2014
I-fish North Sea aims to provide an integrated information and communications system that will utilise a combination of satellite communications and satellite navigation to enable unified timely and accurate collection, management, and use of marine fisheries data to provide value added services to fisheries stakeholders for improved sustainability of our fast depleting fisheries resources.
Status date: 08 May 2015
The IAP-Copernicus study addresses the use of space assets, combined with terrestrial « web2mobile » technologies, in the provision of reliable, ad-hoc information to all stakeholders involved in the monitoring of risks and mitigation of hazards impacting people. The study focuses on the development of an economically sustainable « Business Services Platform » for two use cases: public safety in Belgium and food security in Senegal.