ESA title



Reducing the risk of bird strikes using satellite images and Ascend’s Normalised Difference Water index software (NDWI)

British start-up Rezatec has developed a landscape monitoring service based on Earth Observation data

A new forestry monitoring service, which is currently being used by three regional forestry departments in Poland, combines space and terrestrial data with a web-based interface.

With the support of ESA, Belgian SME Ovinto has developed a service that offers satellite-based monitoring of rail cars and intermodal tank containers.

A new satellite-enabled information management system for commercial fishermen, developed the support of ESA, is currently being used by some seventy Irish fishing vessels.

Managing seasonal navigational hazards, such as winter ice, on Romania's section of the Danube river is the goal of an ongoing ARTES IAP Demonstration Project.

With the support of ESA's ARTES Applications programme, 21Net has built a system that seemlessly integrates satcoms to improve the user experience of WiFi on high-speed trains.

The GeoSHM structural health monitoring system, developed with the support of ESA, is now being further deployed in Scotland and China.

The Basilicata Region in southern Italy has announced the allocation of a nearly one million euros to support an ongoing ARTES Applications project, ONE Class! Open network for Education.

An integrated rescue management tool being developed with the support of ESA is improving the speed and accuracy of search and rescue missions in the mountains of the Czech Republic.

With the support of ESA, HydroLogic (NL) is developing an application called the HydroNET Flood and Rain Report generator to map rainfall and flooding quickly and easily. It has been successfully deployed in flood-prone Australia, and other countries are taking interest in the system.

An enterprising Dutch startup is developing a viable business using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery to monitor oil and gas pipelines from space.

Thanks to a new portal video encoder device developed with the support of ESA, high definition video can now be cost-effectively streamed from mobile satellite terminals. This breakthrough facilitates the transmission of broadcast-quality video content from regions with limited terrestrial infrastructure.  


With the support of ESA through the ARTES IAP programme, Vista GmbH has developed a successful business supplying precision agriculture services to farmers. At this year's Agritechnica trade fair in Hannover, the Munich-based company was awarded a gold medal for innovation in recognition of its achievements.

A recent ARTES IAP demonstration project shows how satellites give the deployment of RPAS a huge boost. The project leader, an enterprising British SME, is capitalising on this experience to develop a viable business in remote surveying services.

Long-term monitoring using historical Earth Observation data and short-term GNSS positioning is a potent combination for studying the health and well-being of complex structures such as bridges.

Demonstration and pilot implementation of a satellite-based operations control system for managing teams in alpine rescue missions.

How satellite services give landowners an easier and cheaper way of calculating the potential economic value of conserving or restoring environmentally important peatlands.

In an activity supported by ESA, a software package called VECMAP was developed that uses Satellite Navigation and Earth Observation data to populate an online database, allowing researchers to map high-risk areas. 

With the support of ESA, Irish company Treemetrics has developed an innovative system that uses space and ground assets to map forests and monitor tree-harvesting machinery.

Thanks to European telecoms satellites, affordable broadband Internet access via satellite is becoming reality. 

Two recent ARTES-funded feasibility studies looked into ways of understanding and mitigating the risks associated with unstable terrain.

The incorporation of satellite communication services in railway signalling systems is now one step closer.

A robust portable device for monitoring vital signs and providing communications for medics developed with the support of ESA offers a lifeline even in the remotest areas on Earth via satcoms.

ASSIST allows project managers to analyse the positive and negative impacts of their Telemedicine services way before they go live.

European Defence Agency (EDA) and European Space Agency (ESA), have agreed to pursue their cooperation in the domain of Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.

The Dutch company Robin Radar has recently taken the FlySafe technology down a new and unexpected path.


Based on user needs and industry skills, the evolution of customized solutions and the establishment of innovative services is accomplished through project activities. Focusing on various thematic areas, relevant information on the project activities is provided below.

Thematic Areas
Space Assets
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Status date: 04 November 2022

INSURE aims to provide an extensive set of services to any company involved in the decommissioning of their oil and gas operation, as well as photovoltaic, wind and green energies offshore and onshore platforms. INSURE service implements a set of functional blocks for the monitoring of the environment, the platform status and support the management of the platforms off-shore during all the phases of activity through an advanced telecommunication system.

Roof Solar Panel Calculator

Status date: 04 November 2022

An easy-to-use service for detecting roofs suitable for solar panel installation. The service provides information about roof measurements, pitch, orientation, and potential solar energy production.


Status date: 04 November 2022

Profumo proposes novel weather-based services for the Mediterranean navigation with the aim of granting fuel saving, pollution reduction and improving safety for passengers, crew, goods and ships’ instruments.

The idea is to establish a cooperative schema (between commercial vessels) where meteo-marine data is collected from standard and non-standard on-board instrumentation.

Acquired data is used in the Profumo service center to produce reliable high resolution meteo-marine forecasts and nearly real time information, allowing the provision of helpful route optimization and navigation services also in a complex and constrained basin as the Mediterranean one.

To satisfy the demand of commercial customers, Profumo has conceived innovative services expressly for the middle short routes.

Dynamic Routing at Mediterranean scale.

The service provides pre-voyage route planning and updated information for optimal re-routing for vessels. This is possible due to the Profumo’s integrated approach involving weather observations, forecasts and optimal route computation through the modeling of ship’s characteristics, for predicting the vessel’s specific response to weather phenomena, in terms of seakeeping and fuel consumption.

Moreover, the system provides frequently refreshed meteo information allowing in-route corrections, therefore optimizing speed and course.

Navigation assistance

By using the navigation assistance service, the crew is fully supported in the route decision and planning. Profumo, integrating real time meteo-marine conditions, increases the safety and the navigation comfort through the application of the most recent guidelines for avoiding dangerous situations in adverse weather and sea conditions.

High definition weather products

Thanks to the cooperative meteo data injected in high resolution, local-scale forecasts, Profumo provides detailed predictions with a native (not rescaled) resolution of few kilometers.


Status date: 02 November 2022

How do you target advertising to maximize customer reach and minimize costs? Where do target customers stay, live and work? What locations should be the focus of digital and physical advertisement campaigns?

BeSpatial.AI helps businesses in financial services and other industries to boost their ads performance with customer trained machine learning model (HolistiCRM).

Training is done based on internal datasets, EO (ESA) and GIS data (GeoX). In our first use-case machine learning model accuracy reached 91%.

Machine Learning supported targeting ROI 1127% thanks to lower CPC and higher conversion rates targeting the right (potential customer dense) locations.


Status date: 27 October 2022

The POMERIUM project aims to realise a complex monitoring system for Cultural Heritage (CH) management in order to support managers in the daily and extraordinary activities and expert decisions. The system will be based on the added value given by the integration of different technologies: satellites, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), in-situ Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring, image recognition, advanced modelling, and 5G.


Status date: 24 October 2022

The ZOE project focuses on the development of a self-powered water grid management system that enables continuous remote monitoring and leakage detection of water pipelines through decisions based on both terrestrial and satellite data. We aim to identify water leaks both in urban areas and the countryside.


Status date: 21 October 2022

In the same way we check the weather forecast and take preventive measures, so we will do for the water.


Status date: 26 July 2019

UNDERSEE is committed to develop a scalable solution to bring knowledge about rivers, lakes and oceans to water dependent stakeholders by providing simple access to water quality data.


Status date: 21 October 2022

The amount of water stored in snow is a crucial information for hydropower managers, yet hard to retrieve with current methods. SnowPower was able to generate large-scale snow information for mountainous regions at unprecedented accuracy and resolution from active radar satellites, combined with established data and a snow model to complement traditional methods.


Status date: 21 October 2022

Build-up of a geo-referenced agricultural database by using satellite-based monitoring and cloud information technologies for collecting reliable and timely statistical data on agricultural parcel level in Latin America, complemented by a web-based platform providing continuously up-to-date georeferenced agricultural data for users and stakeholders.


Status date: 20 October 2022

The increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events has drawn the attention of the insurance industry on climate change risks. For insurance to act as a climate change adaptation tool to increase the resilience of our society, new data and services are necessary. NUA is a highly innovative SaaS for the climate risk management and forecast at local scale.


Status date: 21 October 2022

The aim of Cert-EO („Certified with Earth Observation”) is to apply Earth Observation solutions to support certification procedures of organic farming. The feasibility study project focuses on a service that can complement the personal on-the-spot checks with serving gap-filling data about a selected area, parcel or crop by automated analysis and evaluation of remote sensing (satellite) images.

Project Lunar

Status date: 21 October 2022

Phase 1 of Project LUNAR has determined the feasibility of a multi purpose shared electric fleet solution for NHS Hospitals. We wanted to reduce transport related challenges for employees and patients by providing a sustainable, optimised solution that improves access and reduces cost.


Status date: 20 October 2022

The aim of the Estate Market Trends (EMT) project is to provide a financial service that introduces a digital transformation of access to real estate market data. The main objective of the proposed solution is to create investment reports based on a selected location (coordinates). The system assumes the use and mutual integration of different sources of real estate data.

Digital Engineer

Status date: 20 October 2022

The Digital Engineer is an AI-powered Digital Assistant allowing engineering learners, students and professionals, to acquire industry knowhow and expertise alongside a group of peers, through hands-on projects, anywhere in the world, to solve big problems on planet Earth, and providing the tools for engineering instructors to focus on teaching. The platform is the foundation of the future of engineering education thanks to powerful digitalization and automation of workflows.