ESA title



Reducing the risk of bird strikes using satellite images and Ascend’s Normalised Difference Water index software (NDWI)

British start-up Rezatec has developed a landscape monitoring service based on Earth Observation data

A new forestry monitoring service, which is currently being used by three regional forestry departments in Poland, combines space and terrestrial data with a web-based interface.

With the support of ESA, Belgian SME Ovinto has developed a service that offers satellite-based monitoring of rail cars and intermodal tank containers.

A new satellite-enabled information management system for commercial fishermen, developed the support of ESA, is currently being used by some seventy Irish fishing vessels.

Managing seasonal navigational hazards, such as winter ice, on Romania's section of the Danube river is the goal of an ongoing ARTES IAP Demonstration Project.

With the support of ESA's ARTES Applications programme, 21Net has built a system that seemlessly integrates satcoms to improve the user experience of WiFi on high-speed trains.

The GeoSHM structural health monitoring system, developed with the support of ESA, is now being further deployed in Scotland and China.

The Basilicata Region in southern Italy has announced the allocation of a nearly one million euros to support an ongoing ARTES Applications project, ONE Class! Open network for Education.

An integrated rescue management tool being developed with the support of ESA is improving the speed and accuracy of search and rescue missions in the mountains of the Czech Republic.

With the support of ESA, HydroLogic (NL) is developing an application called the HydroNET Flood and Rain Report generator to map rainfall and flooding quickly and easily. It has been successfully deployed in flood-prone Australia, and other countries are taking interest in the system.

An enterprising Dutch startup is developing a viable business using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery to monitor oil and gas pipelines from space.

Thanks to a new portal video encoder device developed with the support of ESA, high definition video can now be cost-effectively streamed from mobile satellite terminals. This breakthrough facilitates the transmission of broadcast-quality video content from regions with limited terrestrial infrastructure.  


With the support of ESA through the ARTES IAP programme, Vista GmbH has developed a successful business supplying precision agriculture services to farmers. At this year's Agritechnica trade fair in Hannover, the Munich-based company was awarded a gold medal for innovation in recognition of its achievements.

A recent ARTES IAP demonstration project shows how satellites give the deployment of RPAS a huge boost. The project leader, an enterprising British SME, is capitalising on this experience to develop a viable business in remote surveying services.

Long-term monitoring using historical Earth Observation data and short-term GNSS positioning is a potent combination for studying the health and well-being of complex structures such as bridges.

Demonstration and pilot implementation of a satellite-based operations control system for managing teams in alpine rescue missions.

How satellite services give landowners an easier and cheaper way of calculating the potential economic value of conserving or restoring environmentally important peatlands.

In an activity supported by ESA, a software package called VECMAP was developed that uses Satellite Navigation and Earth Observation data to populate an online database, allowing researchers to map high-risk areas. 

With the support of ESA, Irish company Treemetrics has developed an innovative system that uses space and ground assets to map forests and monitor tree-harvesting machinery.

Thanks to European telecoms satellites, affordable broadband Internet access via satellite is becoming reality. 

Two recent ARTES-funded feasibility studies looked into ways of understanding and mitigating the risks associated with unstable terrain.

The incorporation of satellite communication services in railway signalling systems is now one step closer.

A robust portable device for monitoring vital signs and providing communications for medics developed with the support of ESA offers a lifeline even in the remotest areas on Earth via satcoms.

ASSIST allows project managers to analyse the positive and negative impacts of their Telemedicine services way before they go live.

European Defence Agency (EDA) and European Space Agency (ESA), have agreed to pursue their cooperation in the domain of Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.

The Dutch company Robin Radar has recently taken the FlySafe technology down a new and unexpected path.


Based on user needs and industry skills, the evolution of customized solutions and the establishment of innovative services is accomplished through project activities. Focusing on various thematic areas, relevant information on the project activities is provided below.

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Space Assets
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Status date: 14 April 2023

Steadycast is an advanced solar forecasting platform for optimizing solar energy integration into power systems and electricity markets. Based on Physics-AI Hybrid modeling and fusion of heterogeneous geospatial data like Earth Observation (EO), it provides worldwide top quality real time and historical forecast data via API. Tailored web visualization tools are also available to better support decision making from planning to operations.


Status date: 11 April 2023

Adaptix are Transforming Diagnostic Imaging by bringing low-cost, low-dose mobile 3D imaging to patients.  Today, common conditions such as fractures, cancer and lung disease are initially assessed by 2D X-ray which gives a fundamentally limited view of our 3D bodies. The products being developed in this project will deliver fast, accurate 3D imaging to these patients.


Status date: 05 April 2023

This Business Applications Feasibility Study aims at assessing the technical feasibility and economic viability of space-based services and solutions in the area of digital health, for instance storing and managing health data on people’s existing computers or mobile phones. supporting health infrastructure in developing economies, with focus in Africa and India.


Status date: 04 April 2023

This project followed a successful Feasibility Study in improving the GEOSATIS EM system/service, based on a next-generation GNSS bracelet, satellite communication/imagery; to enhance the current electronic monitoring system to a level where Geosatis has an edge over its competitors in terms of; communication, proximity, detail, signal broadcasting, bandwidth, and device use in a larger geographical area with limited. communication signals. 


Status date: 04 April 2023

Data integration and predictive analytics service for rail freight in the UK. The Ovinto unique, complementary software platform will help and feed the existing software infrastructure for different users and customers, connecting any relevant internal & external data source to make software modules/silos extremely flexible through collaboration, data exchange and integration. and search results.


Status date: 14 February 2020

SP4GO feasibility study addresses the needs of Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Transmission System Operators (TSO) using innovative solutions.

Demand/Response and e-Mobility needs will be addressed in the context of Smart-grid area, while for the infrastructure operation and maintenance (O&M) the services considered are vegetation monitoring, electric consumption estimation, impact of weather events such as lightning on energy infrastructure, and satellite backup platforms for data exchange and communication.


Status date: 03 April 2023

The “Alizeti” project was designed to help smallholder farmers growing high-value crops in Kenya to produce better harvests and to sell them more efficiently to the organisations who further process and sell them. Four pilot clients in the project were provided with custom-built dashboards on the agriBORA platform based on in-situ and remotely sensed data.


Status date: 03 April 2023

Project FOCUS seeks to prove the viability of funding the application of a new regenerative farming standard in African smallholder coffee farming through the voluntary carbon markets. The sequestration of atmospheric carbon will generate a new source of income from carbon credits, remotely monitored and verified through the application of satellite imagery and advanced data analytics.


Status date: 23 July 2023

The service provides forecasts of essential water availability and water demand information for water managers. It contributes in creating an essential window of opportunity for end users to timely anticipate, take the right measures and minimise the impact of future events, either droughts or floods.


Status date: 27 March 2023

With ESA’s support, DryGro has launched a pilot high-protein crop system in Kenya. By applying earth observation and terrestrial data to the growth system, DryGro’s technology mitigates many of the factors which are currently limiting agricultural productivity. We have partnered with RHEATECH, Hyper Collective, and BuildX to delivery this breakthrough in sustainable agriculture.


Status date: 27 March 2023

Energy sustainability on Earth and on the Moon? Yes! GeoStorage is investigating the use of energy storage in different geologic formations, such as caverns, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, and abandoned mines for strategic and large-scale applications in national energy grids. The project is aiming to secure renewable energy base load and improve their interoperability with other energy sources.

3E Solar Data Services

Status date: 27 March 2023

3E Project Development solution provides accurate and bankable satellite-based solar irradiation data for solar power modelling: 3E Solar Irradiation Data. It is your go-to application to assess the long-term yield of future solar assets, improve the return on investment and evaluate operational plant performance.

FlexCurb CurbX

Status date: 27 March 2023

FlexCurb CurbX evaluates the technical and commercial feasibility of an app for cities to digitize curb assets and regulations more easily in cities. By using augmented reality and postprocessing with Earth Observation the app enables highly accurate and standardized curb data generation.


Status date: 27 March 2023

Objective of the project is to study and validate b.Bone scaffold in osteoporotic environment to improve human bone surgery. b.Bone is a synthetic bone substitute, CE marked and indicated for clinical applications in orthopaedic and traumatology surgeries. The scaffold is seeded in vitro with human bone cells in simulated microgravity and then in space (after the current activity), to simulate an osteoporotic accelerated model, and their response is analysed.


Status date: 27 March 2023

One of our cities' challenges is to design integrated urban environments that balance between growth ambitions, an increasing population and climate emergency, and at the same time introducing new standards for green growth, biodiversity, inclusion and quality of life. The GreenUP project aims to shed light on how satellite technology can be transformed into flexible and user-relevant tools to support local authorities and other stakeholders involved in the development of sustainable urban environments.


Status date: 20 March 2023

No GSM coverage? You are on a plane or ship and you need to receive an important call or to make an important call? No problem: with oneTcall you can continue to use your mobile phone and your telephone number without changing your user experience and without any limitation.

Thanks to Satellite you can have IP coverage everywhere in the World and also in Mobility. With OneTCall + IP via Satellite you can have also your Mobile Phone working and keep using your telephone number.

Easy for the customer. No additional infrastructure required for the Operator.

OneTCall is perfect to provide seamless voice coverage also on board of Airplanes and Ships.

OneTcall is a patented service.


Status date: 28 February 2023

In this truly European project, an innovative railway track worker protection system will be evaluated for its reliability and its ability to enhance the safety of railway track workers. The goal is to demonstrate the safety capabilities of the track worker protection system in a real environment, integrated into the challenging infrastructure of a railway operator in Italy.