ESA title



Reducing the risk of bird strikes using satellite images and Ascend’s Normalised Difference Water index software (NDWI)

British start-up Rezatec has developed a landscape monitoring service based on Earth Observation data

A new forestry monitoring service, which is currently being used by three regional forestry departments in Poland, combines space and terrestrial data with a web-based interface.

With the support of ESA, Belgian SME Ovinto has developed a service that offers satellite-based monitoring of rail cars and intermodal tank containers.

A new satellite-enabled information management system for commercial fishermen, developed the support of ESA, is currently being used by some seventy Irish fishing vessels.

Managing seasonal navigational hazards, such as winter ice, on Romania's section of the Danube river is the goal of an ongoing ARTES IAP Demonstration Project.

With the support of ESA's ARTES Applications programme, 21Net has built a system that seemlessly integrates satcoms to improve the user experience of WiFi on high-speed trains.

The GeoSHM structural health monitoring system, developed with the support of ESA, is now being further deployed in Scotland and China.

The Basilicata Region in southern Italy has announced the allocation of a nearly one million euros to support an ongoing ARTES Applications project, ONE Class! Open network for Education.

An integrated rescue management tool being developed with the support of ESA is improving the speed and accuracy of search and rescue missions in the mountains of the Czech Republic.

With the support of ESA, HydroLogic (NL) is developing an application called the HydroNET Flood and Rain Report generator to map rainfall and flooding quickly and easily. It has been successfully deployed in flood-prone Australia, and other countries are taking interest in the system.

An enterprising Dutch startup is developing a viable business using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery to monitor oil and gas pipelines from space.

Thanks to a new portal video encoder device developed with the support of ESA, high definition video can now be cost-effectively streamed from mobile satellite terminals. This breakthrough facilitates the transmission of broadcast-quality video content from regions with limited terrestrial infrastructure.  


With the support of ESA through the ARTES IAP programme, Vista GmbH has developed a successful business supplying precision agriculture services to farmers. At this year's Agritechnica trade fair in Hannover, the Munich-based company was awarded a gold medal for innovation in recognition of its achievements.

A recent ARTES IAP demonstration project shows how satellites give the deployment of RPAS a huge boost. The project leader, an enterprising British SME, is capitalising on this experience to develop a viable business in remote surveying services.

Long-term monitoring using historical Earth Observation data and short-term GNSS positioning is a potent combination for studying the health and well-being of complex structures such as bridges.

Demonstration and pilot implementation of a satellite-based operations control system for managing teams in alpine rescue missions.

How satellite services give landowners an easier and cheaper way of calculating the potential economic value of conserving or restoring environmentally important peatlands.

In an activity supported by ESA, a software package called VECMAP was developed that uses Satellite Navigation and Earth Observation data to populate an online database, allowing researchers to map high-risk areas. 

With the support of ESA, Irish company Treemetrics has developed an innovative system that uses space and ground assets to map forests and monitor tree-harvesting machinery.

Thanks to European telecoms satellites, affordable broadband Internet access via satellite is becoming reality. 

Two recent ARTES-funded feasibility studies looked into ways of understanding and mitigating the risks associated with unstable terrain.

The incorporation of satellite communication services in railway signalling systems is now one step closer.

A robust portable device for monitoring vital signs and providing communications for medics developed with the support of ESA offers a lifeline even in the remotest areas on Earth via satcoms.

ASSIST allows project managers to analyse the positive and negative impacts of their Telemedicine services way before they go live.

European Defence Agency (EDA) and European Space Agency (ESA), have agreed to pursue their cooperation in the domain of Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.

The Dutch company Robin Radar has recently taken the FlySafe technology down a new and unexpected path.


Based on user needs and industry skills, the evolution of customized solutions and the establishment of innovative services is accomplished through project activities. Focusing on various thematic areas, relevant information on the project activities is provided below.

Thematic Areas
Space Assets
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Status date: 14 March 2022

Enhancing Belmap, GIMs’ geo digital twin of the built-up environment, through Artificial Intelligence techniques applied on earth observation data. Resulting in four new Belmap data modules: Greenfields, Building Age, Roofs and Gardens.

Track & Trust KS

Status date: 20 December 2019

Datarella’s Track & Trust product seeks to boost transparency between stakeholders and offer immutable trusted tracking for stakeholders in humanitarian supply chains. Track & Trust architecture leverages advanced blockchain technology and satellite connected IoT devices to guarantee that goods are continually accounted for even in the most exigent and adversarial conditions.



Status date: 28 February 2022

KSAT DECOM aims to help operators and regulators to monitor offshore decommissioning activities by combining oil spill detection, vessel monitoring, multi-mission SAR and EO data, weather condition and greenhouse emissions to reduce costs, increase efficiency of operations, develop safer methods for execution and reduce environmental impacts during decommissioning.


Status date: 28 February 2022

Marine pollution in the form of plastics is a devastating problem that not only affects the whole planet ecosystem, but also represents a great socio-economic impact on human activities 
It is considering this ever increasing problem that there is an urge for new conceptual and technological solutions that can help to detect, monitor and mitigate the consequences of marine plastics pollution and, ultimately, contribute for the establishment of adequate policies that can contribute for its mitigation.


Status date: 23 February 2022

The Class@cross project has developed a Satcom based solution aiming at offering an Education Outreach platform accessible from any ICT device in order to enrich the educational opportunities with special regard to the social factors and cultural and scientific contents.

XplorIT for Recovery

Status date: 21 February 2022

Due to the pandemic, Data Duopoly have pivoted to utilise their existing technology to help the recovery post-Covid. They can help aid social distancing on site by utilising satellite data and location data and this demonstration project will allow them to utilise this technology in 2-3 high profile venues and optimise this market opportunity before scaling to more venues.


Status date: 17 February 2022

Ground movements are an important driver for water pipe failure. This project aims to integrate radar satellite based InSAR data into water utility strategic modelling and operational workflows to improve decision-making and reduce pipe failure and associated costs.


Status date: 15 February 2022

MELODY is a robotic telemedicine tool, which allows a medical expert to remotely perform an ultrasound exam on a distant patient. It offers access to diagnostic capabilities for remote populations requiring ultrasonography. While it has proven to be effective on adults already, MELODY is however not approved yet for paediatric use. This activity aims therefore to develop and validate a solution allowing children to also benefit from remote ultrasound scan. This is of high interest during the COVID-19 crisis, as it will avoid travel to the rare paediatric centres while protecting medical experts from a direct exposure to the virus.

MOOD Decom

Status date: 14 February 2022

Feasibility study of digital services supporting decommissioning activities at sea through the provision of Earth Observation (EO)-enriched modelled MetOcean parameters relevant for operation planning and environmental impact monitoring.

SatNav E@syCare

Status date: 14 February 2022

SatNav E@syCare is an advanced service, with mobile Apps and a cloud-based application, for the remote monitoring of vital parameters and well-being information of chronic patients and people at risk by general practitioners, specialist doctors and nursing operators on the field. The service is operated according to personalized healthcare plan. SatNav E@syCare exploits GNSS technology to provide enhanced functionalities and location-based data analysis results.


Status date: 14 February 2022

A project-centric, situational awareness portal aiding construction and decommissioning of offshore installations. Rich insights are engineered from Earth Observations, AIS, weather, sea state and various GIS data repositories and combined with in-situ surveys and sensor data. All information is dynamically shared amongst project stakeholders creating common understanding, transparency, and improved efficiency.

SpaceSense SOC

Status date: 14 February 2022

This Kick-Start Activity creates several satellite-based models that could be used to track Recommended Farming Practices (RFP) for carbon sequestration at a sub-field level (10m, based on Sentinel 1 & 2 data), and provide these information to companies creating Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock models. They will be focused on the three following detectors:
Cover Crop Flag: Is the field using cover crops between main crops?
Crop Rotation Diversity Indicator: How do the crops rotate in the field?
Tilling Flag: Is the field being tilled or not between crops?


Status date: 26 November 2018

SAT-DEFO project purpose is to build an app with data-proven, valid, both historical and current information about ground deformations for the inhabitants of the areas who are exposed to such changes (especially in the localizations threatened by ground subsidence caused by mining activity).


Status date: 03 February 2022

Today, speed and effectiveness have become essential characteristics of the logistics sector and the transportation of goods more and more requires a continuous monitoring of various parameters (e.g. position, temperature, shocks) during the different steps of the goods journey (i.e. collection, transport, storage, delivery). Indeed, the loss and/or the deterioration of shipped goods have enormous financial impacts for companies, in particular for items with a very high value (e.g. pharmaceuticals products, rare items). DragonFly is a comprehensive solution able to provide an effective continuous real-time monitoring solution which has been designed to monitor globally the end-to-end journey of the most critical goods (such as pharmaceutical products) in a cost-effective way.


Status date: 03 February 2022

The objective of the SISMA2 demonstration project was to implement cost-effective space-based tools and demonstrate the value of our smart-herding solution to monitor herd activities (large terrestrial animals raised outdoors, domestic, and wild) and their vulnerability factors, to modernize the herding industry and increase the plasticity of adaptation of reindeer husbandry to climatic changes in the environment and to the evolution of regional contexts. 


Status date: 03 February 2022

Man-made air pollution leads to 5.5-8.5 million deaths each year and causes countless chronic respiratory conditions. Traffic is the most important source of this pollution. Using satellite data, Satellite Air Quality Models (SAQM) are the most detailed air pollution maps for cities around the globe. Our portal allows users instant access to the air pollution data, benefiting everyone.


Status date: 27 November 2019

The project aims to test the feasibility of providing accurate and high resolution global air quality modelling services using vehicles extracted from very high-resolution earth observation imagery.  Providing detailed air quality modelling for a large number of cities will improve decision making, enable efficient and cost effective urban growth and reduce the air pollution impact on human health.


Status date: 31 January 2022

KickStart activity exploring end-to-end earth observation monitoring solutions for the insurance and the mining industry. 


Status date: 28 January 2022

WIS is creating an easy to deploy solution combining sophisticated global models, downscaled to regional areas, and fed by local IoT weather stations and earth observation satellite data, using machine learning techniques.
This innovative solution intends to offer high resolution and accurate predictive indicators tailored to the customers in the countries currently underserved on climate services.


Status date: 28 January 2022

EPICO19 is a web-app designed to support public health technicians and decision-makers managing epidemic control. The tool is a GIS-based (Geographic Information System) DSS (Decision Support System), driven by an epidemiological machine learning engine that provides forecasts of the outbreak spread. EPICO19 exploits Artificial Intelligence applied to Very-High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and SatEO to evaluate population’s vulnerability due to pollutants exposure.


Status date: 20 January 2022

VIDA is an earth observation and AI-powered custom software that enables data-driven investment, business and policy decisions in rural villages in Africa and Asia. →