Reducing the risk of bird strikes using satellite images and Ascend’s Normalised Difference Water index software (NDWI)
Based on user needs and industry skills, the evolution of customized solutions and the establishment of innovative services is accomplished through project activities. Focusing on various thematic areas, relevant information on the project activities is provided below.
Status date: 09 January 2020
The aim of FertiSat project is to provide farmers with site-specific application maps for nitrogen fertilization of cereal crops. Since absorption of nitrogen by plants is influenced by weather and moisture conditions, those variables are taken into account when determining precise doses of the fertilizer. The service is based mainly on multispectral, high resolution satellite imagery.
Status date: 07 January 2020
KORE improves UK and international agronomists’ and farmers’ crop management by exploiting new precision agriculture techniques to target inputs and increase crop yields.
KORE utilises remote sensing and satellite navigation techniques to survey fields easily and cost-effectively.
KORE provides simple interpretations of complex information on crop growth and crop health.
KORE replaces a successful, proven on-line agronomy service, EssentialsMap.
Status date: 07 January 2020
Virtual reality training is revolutionizing the way we train employees by allowing them to learn by doing. They are more engaged, better prepared and develop new skills faster with data-driven insights. In this project we explore how to use satellite communication to enable virtual training anywhere and space weather to adapt the virtual training according with outdoor conditions.
Status date: 07 January 2020
The Sun4Health demonstration project develops a ready-to-market solution by providing a comprehensive, integrated revolutionary system for the best exploitation of solar radiation benefits avoiding the healthrelated risks, according to any environmental scenario and targeted for any kind of end-user, especially for children.
Status date: 07 January 2020
Ports are fundamental and main part of inter-modal global transport in the world. The growth in freight transport stresses the existing infrastructure to its limits. There are already considerable signs of congestion in the European transport system, e.g. on the roads and in harbors. Congestion will have a negative impact on the costs and time of transportation, which affects the prices and the quality of products.
EUROPORT aims to optimize the synchronization between the several transportation modes reducing the downtime in the logistic chain.
Status date: 19 December 2019
SHOW as a mobile service is aimed at making seniors feeling constantly needed by society, as they are enabled to offer help to family members, friends, or in general people who need support. It addresses the challenges of elderly people regarding increasing mobility, maintaining activity, improving safety, reducing stress, growing assurance of behaviour and reducing social exclusion.
DG-TRAC Demo Project
Status date: 10 December 2019
The DG-Trac project addresses the tracking and tracing of dangerous goods in the medical sector integrating and using navigational and communication space services together with GSM/UMTS and Internet. DG-Trac introduces a centralised mechanism for the management and distribution of information concerning each dangerous goods transport.
In case of an accident, emergency service will be informed about the involved dangerous goods.
Status date: 16 December 2019
In 2010, the United Nations explicitly designated that "safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water” is not only a necessity, but also a fundamental human right. However, we live in an imperfect world, in which man-made activities and natural disasters create conditions that limit our access to water and expose us to dangerous water events. Organisations around the world have recognised this challenge and shown their commitment to creating, as the World Bank terms it, “a water-secure world for all.”
IMGeospatial is honoured to be part of this movement and has partnered with three clients to address the biggest water-related threats to our livelihood: flooding, water scarcity and water quality. We provide business intelligence that enables them to proactively manage their water systems, build resilience in their communities and ultimately minimise risk and impact. We do so by automating the data pipeline, reducing the time and cost of turning earth-observed data into actionable insights.
Status date: 12 December 2019
Fuel poverty is an increasingly large social problem in the Great Britain, as well as in the rest of Europe. Ageing, inefficient building stock and rising fuel prices are pushing more and more households into fuel poverty.
ThermCERT reduces the complexity, cost and time spent identifying households who may qualify for Energy Company Obligation (ECO) support, allowing energy suppliers to deliver their obligation more efficiently.
ThermCERT Feasibility Study
Status date: 11 December 2019
The European Commission established a long-term objective of decreasing the CO2-emission levels for the building sector by 27% by 2030.
Every third building in Europe is in need of deep renovation (older that sixty years). People in these houses are overpaying for the heating many times. That is both economically and environmentally harmful. Buildings account for 40% of the EU's energy consumption, 36% of its CO2 emissions. Current annual building renovation rate in Europe is below 2%.
The actual thermal performance of building stock is the critical element for situation awareness, impacting progress on energy efficiency measure uptake.
Utilising Earth observation, satellite navigation and ground level data, ThermCERT represents a crucial aid in helping to understand the true thermal performance of the city built environment, highlighting the energy efficiency problematic areas and issues.
Status date: 09 September 2019
GridWatch offers owners of high voltage power infrastructures a continuous monitoring and alarming system to support the inspection, maintenance and management procedures of power lines, and a management system providing the measurements of the parameters necessary to dynamically operate the power lines, i.e. ambient temperature, wind speed and direction, solar irradiance and conductor temperature.
Status date: 24 June 2019
‘Helping to find the important needles within the InSAR time series haystack’
The PLIMM services developed within the project provide users with unique information on the performance of their assets. Using a set of proprietary workflows and algorithms on processed InSAR data the system is able to identify critical insights within the millions of individual measurement points. Developed in close collaboration with the user community, the system provides earth observation outputs in a format that is most appropriate for the target sectors.
Status date: 27 November 2019
The MULDIARCOS project has implemented and demonstrated a cohesive end-to-end delivery chain of satellite imagery and met-ocean data. The implemented service has been demonstrated during maritime operations in the Arctic. Arctic maritime operations often have a need of fast and regular earth observation and weather information. In the project, focus has been on streamlined and effective ordering, delivery procedures due to limited and expensive communication channels to the vessels during the operations.
Status date: 27 November 2019
The multisignature wallet makes digital currency transactions more secure by requiring two approvals for each transaction, one from the user and one from the satellite. The security of transactions are guaranteed via satellite hardware isolation, a multiple approval model, and secure satellite communication making the transaction resistant to hacking.
Status date: 26 November 2019
BlackShore’s crowdsourcing platform Cerberus reinforces developing country economies utilizing satellite imagery amplifying sustainable food production while preserving the environment. This is achieved through the power of satellites, socially conscious gaming and the power of the crowd.